Beneath My Ruuts (drops on 2/10)

Zabbai is back.

On February 10th a new song, Beneath My Ruuts will premiere on YouTube. It’s his latest off his newest album, Beneath the Ruuts. You definitely want to keep an eye out for this video. A look at the lyrics will tell you just how powerful and meaningful this song is.

In it, Zabbai talks about faith with work and how important that is. He also brings up the subject of asking God for help. A lot of times we feel that way in life. Like we’re trapped in certain situations, or we have no way out, like the song says. That’s when we ask God to show us the way, like Zabbai says in his song. The song fades out with the lyrics Heal me repeated. That’s what we all need today.

For those curious about the artist, Zabbai is actually Bradsley Rumble from Stamford Connecticut. His Christian rap lyrics are motivational and powerful. When you listen to his songs, you can very clearly hear the experiences of his life in them.

You can find Zabbai and all his music across all social media platforms.

Authour: Liv Hernandez