“Pick A Side” By Pastor Charles A.R. OUT NOW!

Published on May 31, 2024

“Pick A Side,” Pastor Charles A.R.’s latest release, is an important message to artists and musicians alike. 

Christian Hip Hop is at a significant point in history, where the lines between secular and sanctified are blurred while prophecy unfolds before our eyes. 

In these difficult times, compromising our beliefs is not just risky; it’s perilous. The lost desperately seek a Savior, and our duty as brothers and sisters in the industry is to guide them back to Christ, not to the things this world has to offer- material wealth full of empty promises and death.

Pick A Side is a clear reminder that our eternal lives were bought with blood, a banner we should proudly display as we witness to those in need of saving- a vanguard leading the way to salvation in the war for the souls of men. 

Christian artists walking the blurred lines are at a crossroads, ministering to the broken while on the narrow path or getting lost in the broader road, which winds away from the returning King. 

At the end of the day Pastor Charles’ call to action is clear: it’s time to Pick a Side. 



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