Free Download: Amour “Armour in the War Zone”


Amour was raised in Northern California as the daughter of a Pastor. She knew of Christ, but she didn’t know Him as her personal savior. She was taken advantage of on a date at the age of 16 and became pregnant with her daughter. When she turned 18, she stopped going to Church and began venturing out into the world. She was not fulfilled and whlie she was in an abusive relationship, she returned to her love of writing and began to rap her feelings. She was asked to rap on local albums and was quickly rising as a female rapper in her area of Cleveland, Ohio. One day, after having a near death experience; she dedicated her life to the Lord. She turns her experiences into testimonies to reach men and women across the world. Armour in the War Zone is an album to let people know that even though the enemy may try to kill, steal, and destroy a person’s life, they can have a new life through Christ.

Produced by: Fred Council
CD Name: Armour in the War Zone
CD Release Date: 03/16/2012
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