Scripture: Understanding it’s Uncomfortable Realities
Comfort keeps us in a certain zone. There are somethings that aren’t touched on. People want to be codified and don’t want to necessarily unpack scriptures in a way that stretches or challenges them.
The crew taps into scripture and what it means to read text through a different lens.
“The gift can be fantastic, and you can use it in a way that glorifies God. But don’t use that gift as a hammer” explains Pastor Phil. The purpose of understanding the scriptures are so people can resonate with its meaning. The texts are meant to be taught in a way that translates to reality. Holding back because people may be uncomfortable only ceases our faith.
Be prepared to do the work. Real scripture reading takes time along with persistence to dive deep into the text. “I just think it’s good to open our mind and look at different perspectives, but I’m not afraid of that” says Pastor Jay. He believes that most people want it explained to them instead of finding their own meaning.
The most useful piece of knowledge about understanding the word is knowing that not all texts are included, that some may have been skipped over. “People use it negatively in that way, then there has to be a way where we can recognize this context for us”.
Pastor Jay shares how Philippians four tells the story of his life. The scripture states, I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. “It was used to say whatever you wanna do you can do it. You know, nothing can stop me”.
Tune in Sundays at 10 am est. | 9 am cst. to Church on the Block on Holy Culture Radio, Sirius XM, Channel 154. And follow our Pastor Phil, Pastah J, and DJ Ruckus on Twitter to join the conversation.