Album Review: Reborn “Principles of Life”
Published on December 20, 2022
“Many people think that this style is terrific….it is kinda different. So let’s get specific.”
What’s poppin’ good people!!!!!! This is your favorite O.G. neophytemuziq with yet another review of the latest and greatest in CHH. This week, we travel to the South Bronx…..South South Bronx and pay a visit to the big homie Reborn The Rebizzle as he gives us his offering to the culture entitled The Principles of Life. So without further a due, let’s chop it up.

Highlights of the project are REBEL AGAINST THE SYSTEM. Here, Reborn is letting all systems in place know that they don’t have the final say. Only the Lord Jesus has the final say!!!!!! Another is WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN. Reborn sends this one out to the ladies….the ones who have fallen from the faith. He let’s them know that there is still room at the Cross for them. Next is A BETTER TOMORROW. On this joint, Reborn is joined by comrades Rigz Carrington and Noah Da Govenor. He is also joined by his sister, Lisa T. Higgins, with some soulful offerings from her flute. Each emcee paints a picture of what a better tomorrow looks like to them. We have PLEASE THE LORD. On this jawn, the message is very clear. Reborn came to do one thing…..PLEASE THE LORD!!!!! Finally, my SLOW ROLLA OF THE WEEK is CAN’T YOU SEE. This is a futuristic trip through the Gospel. He is joined by Philly wordsmith J. Johnson (J. Silas to the CHH O.G.s) Reborn and J flow across this joint, providing as Jay Z would call “The Bounce”. This will definitely turn heads as you bang this in the hood.
Now, I usually end with the SLOW ROLLA but I gotta give an honorable mention to the Intro and the Outro of the album. First of all, the Intro’s background music is one of the illest beats I’ve heard since I started reviewing albums for Holy Culture. So much so that the bonus track on the album (Principles of Life) uses this very beat for someone to drop a hot 8 bars…..CRAZY!!!!!! The Outro is basically the benediction of the album.
I want to shine extra light on these two, especially because they are prayers… to open the album and one to close. In an industry that has seemingly paid more attention to the musicality rather than the ministry of an album, Reborn The Rebizzle needs to be commended AND applauded for making sure that PRAYER is put on display as well as his wordplay for as Ephesians 6:18 states, “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Major kudos to you sir!!!!!
Principles of Life stands firm in putting the Gospel on full display while at the same time, let’s us into the spirit of Reborn The Rebizzle as he shares his heart with us. This album will feed your soul and introduce Jesus Christ to those who don’t know Him as we do.
When Reborn The Rebizzle comes to your town, go show him some love and support his ministry as well as all ministries featured in all our reviews.
For any comments, shoutouts, questions…..whatever, hit me up at and make sure to follow ya boy @neophytemuziq_amor on the Gram.
Until next time good people….remember….LOVE IS WHAT LOVE DOES.
Grace and Peace.