7 Ways To Put God First In 2025
Published on December 31, 2024
Do you want to put God first in 2025?
Are you in a place spiritually where you are aware you need the Lord’s presence in your life?
Do you feel Him calling to you and are willing to prioritize obedience to Him?
God is moving in His people, and it’s a joy when anyone intentionally seeks in His face because it means the Holy Spirit is doing its work.
So whether you are putting Christ first for the first time in your Christian walk or if you are looking for a God-sized reset for the New Year, we are here to help you start your journey and give you tips to help you stay on the right path.
Your new life begins today, let’s go!
What does it mean to put God first?
Putting God first sounds like a very churchy slogan, but what does it mean in practical terms? What it means is that you set your relationship with the Lord above all else, and He is the True North to which you set your compass. What God is speaking into your life influences what you say, how you say it, what you do, and how you act. While that may sound like a lot, you will find more fulfillment, peace, and joy by following Jesus than anything else you can think of- and you can take my word for it.

Why is putting God first important?
I have not always led a godly life. In my teens and early twenties, I was self-centered and rebellious even though I knew the Lord. The path I walked was full of self-gratification and left me aimless and in a constant state of agitation. I was not living the life God wanted for me, and I was paying the price, straying further away from Him the longer I looked for something to satisfy the emptiness I felt inside. You and I were bought at a precious price so we could live life to the fullest, and the only way to get there is by putting God first in all things.
How to actually put God first?
Did you know that only 10% of people who make New Year’s resolutions actually keep them? It’s true! So, how do we make sure God doesn’t become that casualty in your life?
- Committ. So much about making resolutions is a lack of commitment, but putting God first is not something you HAVE to do, it’s something you GET to do. Because He loved you first, and He gave it all first. So make a conscious effort to place a premium on your walk with Christ, surrendering the rest of the year of prayer to Him so He may guide you into a closer relationship with Him.
- Set a small goal-putting God first in all things is a giant ask. Instead, break that idea into smaller SMART goals: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. For example, read the Bible every day for a week, starting with the book of Numbers.
- Celebrate each time you work on your goal. Because we are changing our lives, it’s more than just meeting a goal, it’s creating new spiritual habits, which are more likely to stick if you use positive reinforcement. So celebrate with a cookie or a new highlighter- just make sure you find moments of joy as you grow closer to God.
- Plan ahead. Life can get hectic, so you must account for busy seasons while you seek more of God. Will something in your week get in the way of your goal? And can you minimize the impact so you can still have time with Him? Meal prep or move some work around so that your time with the Lord remains intact.
- Get support. Our spiritual journey was never meant to be done alone. If you are looking to prioritize God this year, plug into your church community or start a group of your own so you can all hold each other accountable, and lift each other up along the way.
- Give yourself grace. Putting God first is a process, not a one-and-done thing. God sees the heart of us, and your commitment to Him. When life gets in the way, don’t beat yourself up, dust off the dirt, and get back on the path God has laid out for you. Remember, Jesus never asked perfection of us, He just asked that we follow Him.

7 Ways to Put God First
- Pray. The Bible says that we should pray continuously. That’s because it’s how we communicate with the Father and how the Holy Spirit intercedes for us (Romans 8:26-27). So pray! While you walk, while you drive, when you are mad, sad, or happy. In all things, lift your requests to the Lord.
- Get In The Word. One of the most challenging habits to build is reading your Bible regularly, but one of the most life-changing. Suppose you don’t know how, have someone teach you or YouTube it, there are many resources out there that can help you. Then, commit to reading it. Start once a week with a bowl of ice cream. Or once a day, all alone in a coffee shop. To get to know the Creator and have the Word speak into your life, you gotta get into it first.
- See no evil. Are you watching things that are afflicting the Holy Spirit? Is the content you are consuming God-honoring? If you consume a lot of content, whether it’s TV or social media, lift these up to God in prayer and ask Him to point out anything that is displeasing to Him and for Him to remove it from your life.
- Hear no evil. What’s on your playlist fam? One of the most powerful testimonies I’ve heard was from DJ Focus when he explained to me how the secular music he was listening to was feeding his addictions and godless behavior. Take stock of the music and podcasts you are feeding into your subconscious and replace them with faith-filled music that lifts up God in all. .
- Speak no evil. “The tongue has the power of life and death” and those who love it will eat its fruit (Pro 18:21). Words matter, and if in your heart you know that you have an issue with lies, slander, or gossip, it’s time to put that at the feet of the Lord, and ask Him to redeem that for His glory.
- Help others. Being the hands of feet of the church is not just about spreading the gospel but about meeting the needs of the lost and broken. Be willing to be inconvenienced in your daily life and ask the Lord to put in your path, people that need your help and the good news of His love in their lives.
- Tithe. Putting God first in our finances is another painful habit for many Christians. And while He doesn’t need our money, giving to Him out of the first fruits of our labor, we recognize His sovereignty over the abundance He chooses to bless us with.
Act of Worship
The Creator of the Universe has chosen you to follow Him.
In the ultimate symbol of love, He sacrificed His only Son for all your sins, past and present.
Putting Him first is our most reasonable act of worship for such a priceless gift.
Commit to prioritizing your relationship with Him in all your ways, and He will reveal Himself to you, deepening your understanding and appreciation for all that He is.
As you surrender your flesh and desires to Him, you will reap the life He has meant for you to have, one of peace and joy.
Embrace this calling and experience the transformative power of His love.
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