How Can I Share My Faith With Others in 2024?
Published on January 23, 2024
How can I share my faith with others? This is a question many ask daily.
Sharing our faith is one of the most fundamental ways we demonstrate our commitment to Jesus and His mission.
Proclaiming and living out His love and message showcases the impact of the transformative grace we’ve received and helps others receive the same.
And yet the question remains, “How do we share our faith with others? How do we share the ways and message of Jesus with the people God calls us to in ways that are practical, impactful, and transformative?
Well, when it comes to best practices in the conversation about gospel proclamation and effective witness, there are three things worth considering: prayer, contextualization, and trust in the Holy Spirit.
Prayer is among the most powerful tools we have as Christians to aid us in sharing our faith.
All throughout the scriptures, we encounter God’s people praying to Him for guidance, wisdom, favor, and blessings. Jesus himself modeled a life of prayer in His life and earthly ministry.
The early church continually prayed to God for boldness to proclaim the message of Christ in the face of opposition and persecution.
The Apostle Paul regularly prayed the Lord would use his suffering and imprisonment as a tool to spread the gospel to the world.
Furthermore, the Apostle John encourages prayer in the first few sentences of his epistle, reminding us that if we lack wisdom, we should ask God, who gives generously.

How can we share our faith with others?
We start by praying to God for wisdom, boldness, and opportunity. Pray for guidance in your daily life just as our Lord Jesus did.
Pray the Lord fills you with boldness to share His message just as the early church did. Pray the Lord use the circumstances of your life to be a witness for the gospel, just as the Apostle Paul did. Pray and believe God will give wisdom and provide opportunities for you to share your faith effectively.
In addition to prayer, contextualization is necessary when sharing your faith with others.
The Apostle Paul, on contextualizing, writes to the church in Corinth, “…when I am with those who are weak, I share their weakness, for I want to bring the weak to Christ. Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some. I do everything to spread the Good News and share in its blessings.”
Paul regularly adapted his life and message to maximize the impact of His witness and sharing our faith requires us to do the same.
We, too, must consider how to adapt our life and message to maximize the impact of our witness. This lends to the practice of being in the world but not of the world.
This requires intentionally spending time with people to understand what aspects of the gospel and life in Christ appeal to them most.
Be a student of people and take the time to build relationships.
Ditch the generic approach and think outside the box.
Consider how you can bring the gospel to the people God calls you to in a way that resonates with them. Finding common ground and adapting your life and message will help you share your faith more effectively.
Trust the Spirit
No matter how much we pray for wisdom or how much we adapt our witness, we can do nothing apart from total trust and reliance on the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is the one who empowers the church to be a witness to the world.
The Holy Spirit is the one who changes the hearts of humanity.
The Holy Spirit is the one who makes the spiritually dead come alive.
In his letter to the church in Galatia, Paul reminds them before they were made alive by the Spirit, they were dead in their transgressions and sins. In his letter to Titus, Paul writes, “…he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.
He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit…”
We cannot be effective witnesses for the Kingdom of God apart from the Holy Spirit.
Thankfully we have the honor and privilege of co-laboring with the Spirit in our life and witness.
We pray.
We adapt.
We take the gospel to the people and places God calls us to.
But the Spirit empowers, transforms, and gives new life to all who believe and respond in faith to the message of Jesus. Trust the Spirit to empower your witness and use it to change the hearts of those you share your faith with.

Take Action
When considering how to share your faith with others, there are many methods and approaches.
Of the many methods and approaches to adopt, they all have one thing in common: taking action to share your faith. Sharing our faith is one way we demonstrate our commitment to Jesus and His mission.
Not only is it a by-product of our allegiance to Jesus, but Jesus himself calls us to go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
So, no matter what method or approach you adopt, take action! Pray for wisdom, adapt your life and message, and trust the Spirit full of faith. The Lord will use your witness to spread His gospel and build His Kingdom all year long in 2024.
In what ways do you share your faith with others? What method and approach do you use?
Leave a comment with examples of you sharing your faith.
Love this J, plenty of great insights here!