adamariz releases highly anticipated EP “NEW BEGINNINGS”

Published on November 28, 2023

adamariz teamed up yet again with producer, Oza Music, to bring you “NEW BEGINNINGS EP”. A total of 6 songs with 2 of them having features by Chistopher Syncere, and NOT KLYDE. The EP opens up with “HYPOCRITES”, a song that is meant to open Christian’s eyes to watch how they act. Followed up by a shortened version of the track and a verse from Christopher Syncere. He gives a new twist to the song that is lyrically captivating. Syncere has never shied away from topics such as these so it’s only right adamariz got him on this particular track. What originally began as an acapella freestyle, “BREAK”. the third track, describes two times where adamariz felt she needed a break like no other. In the fourth track, “EXTERNAL”, adamariz continues with the theme of hypocritical Christians. However, “EXTERNAL ” touches more on God’s view on Christian’s, which is a good reminder that God looks at the heart, not the external. adamariz ends the EP by reflecting and accepting her new beginning. This is a song that signifies adamariz’s change both sonically and lyrically. The real finale begins with “DON’T BOX GOD!” Featuring, HEAVENONEARTH’s very own, NOT KLYDE. Instead of the chill lyrical rapping seen on the rest of the EP, NOT KLYDE and adamariz both exclaim that God cannot be put in a box. It’s clear this bonus track is meant to remind people that God cannot be put in a box of what He can or can’t do or where His message is confined. The EP is filled with boom bap instrumentals and lyrics that are relatable and needed in this day and age.

Facebook: @adamarizraps
Instagram: @adamarizraps
Twitter: @adamarizraps



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