Sam Purpose Makes the Case for Turning Around Our Lives for the Glory of God
Published on March 18, 2025
Greensboro, NC – “For the one who wants to love life and to see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit, and let him turn away from evil and do what is good. Let him seek peace and pursue it, because the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are open to their prayer. But the face of the Lord is against those who do what is evil.” [1 Peter 3:10-12]
Turnaround is a smooth, 90s style boom-bap track.
“When you encounter an undeniable experience with God, you will never want to return to your old ways of living.” – Sam Purpose
North Carolina emcee and producer Sam Purpose (fka Sam P.) drops his latest single, Turnaround, on March 28, 2025.
The self-produced record marks the first release of 2025 for Sam Purpose who has carved out his own lane within Christian hip hop over the last decade. As both a producer and an artist, Sam’s vision and character shine through on each track that he drops.
For Turnaround, Sam takes a melodic approach as he appeals to non-believers and proclaiming Christians alike. The message is a simple reminder of what Christ sacrificed so that we have the opportunity to have our lives changed. It is up to us to stay the course and leave the past behind us.
Greensboro, NC – “For the one who wants to love life and to see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit, and let him turn away from evil and do what is good. Let him seek peace and pursue it, because the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are open to their prayer. But the face of the Lord is against those who do what is evil.” [1 Peter 3:10-12]
Turnaround is a smooth, 90s style boom-bap track.
“When you encounter an undeniable experience with God, you will never want to return to your old ways of living.” – Sam Purpose
North Carolina emcee and producer Sam Purpose (fka Sam P.) drops his latest single, Turnaround, on March 28, 2025.
The self-produced record marks the first release of 2025 for Sam Purpose who has carved out his own lane within Christian hip hop over the last decade. As both a producer and an artist, Sam’s vision and character shine through on each track that he drops.
For Turnaround, Sam takes a melodic approach as he appeals to non-believers and proclaiming Christians alike. The message is a simple reminder of what Christ sacrificed so that we have the opportunity to have our lives changed. It is up to us to stay the course and leave the past behind us.
Turnaround is available for pre-save. Add it to your playlist on your favorite music streaming service when it’s now!
Facebook: @sampurposemusic
Instagram: @sampurposemusic
Twitter: @sampurposemusic
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