Reported Targets Man Up Club To Bash Tim Walz

Published on August 12, 2024

The Man Up Club recently received a call from a reporter to discuss Vice President candidate, Tim Walz and his handling of the murder of George Floyd.

Time Walz, the Governor of Minnesota is the running mate of presidential hopeful Kamala Harris.

The reporter reached out to the non-profit because of the role we played to help lead our community shortly after the murder, and wanted to unearth any untold stories of the politician’s lack of response after the event.

This is what The Man Up Club had to say about the call:

We were pleased to take the call as we are extremely invested and our Twin Cities community and social justice. We recognize we are at a very pivotal time in history and the historical implications of this election. Our responsibility as a socially conscious nonprofit organization is to be truth tellers of the reality of the young men we serve. Needless to say the call turned very interesting!

XROSS aka Mr. Dean eloquently retold of their experience after the tragedy, and the support the community received from the Governor. The eight minute call ended with the reporter seemingly unsatisfied with the result of the conversation, but as for XROSS, truth prevailed and he was very content indeed.

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