2Edge – Happy

Happy is the latest song by the talented singer 2Edge. This song is such an upbeat and positive one. You immediately feel it as soon as the music starts to play. You immediately want to get up and dance and just groove to it. It definitely has a positive vibe to it.

The title of the song suits it quite well. This song could best be described as an anthem for positivity and inspiration. It is very uplifting. Even the lyrics of the song are inspirational as well. We should be happy. We should rejoice as the singer of the song says. We have so much to be grateful for. Everyday we can find joy in God and the life that he’s given us. Although at times life can be stressful, the fact that we are still alive and that we are still here, thanks to God, is a reason to celebrate and to be happy at all times. This song is the perfect demonstration of that.

This song is so upbeat, but it can still be classified as Christian hip-hop because of the type of sound as well as the lyrics. The vocals in the song are actually quite unique because although they’re masculine and strong, they are not overpowering. They have a light sort of melodious flow. That is why when you listen to the song you’ll immediately want to dance and just groove to the song.