Caleb McCoy – Just Grieve

Just Grieve was released earlier this year by Caleb McCoy. This song also features the talents of Shanell Alyssa. Both singers are incredibly talented and create such a memorable piece of music together. This couldn’t have been released at a more opportune time.

We know that the word of God brings us comfort and peace. We especially need that during times of distress or when we are just feeling sad or down. It seems like the world has a way of doing that especially, in these current times. We feel like the world is getting worse, like things are not improving.

We often feel like we are surrounded by complete darkness and chaos. We need to remember that there are good things in life. Those are the promises that God always makes good on. His words are a source of hope and comfort. We should also remember that it is okay to feel these things. It is okay to “Just Grieve ” as the song says. It is okay to feel the emotions that this world can produce within us. We should not wallow in them forever though.

The darkness and dismal aspect of this world will not last forever. We know we have the promise of God’s coming Kingdom when everything will be perfect. We are aware that getting through these emotions leads us to a better place. Having a good cry and grieving allows us to get those dark emotions out and opens our hearts up to healing and to hope.

“Just Grieve” is a message for that. It is a message of hope and positivity. It is a song that tells us it is okay to feel what we are feeling and to pass through all those emotions to something better. Just look at the first line of the song, “Heaven’s going to claim the earth…”

That is so true! God’s Kingdom is what is waiting for us at the end. That peace and that beauty and that perfection that we have been promised in the Bible are waiting just around the corner. We have to get through all these emotions and get through this world to make it through to that beautiful paradise that is waiting for us.

This song is deeply metaphorical and extremely poetic in the comparison that it draws. We are letting all these worldly emotions out so that way we can pass through to the joy and the hope that will be God’s Kingdom.