De’Aris – Prayer Hands
Prayer Hands is a new Christian rap song released by the talented singer, De’aris. The video for the song came out over a month ago. The song starts off sort of mellow and the beats continue with this soft mellow tone throughout the whole song. When De’aris wraps he has a nice continuous flow.
That is what is sure to get your attention. His style of wrapping is reminiscent of the new rappers that are out today. The fact that his lyrics contain a powerful Christian message is to be admired.
The meaning of this song is a testimony of the singer. It was inspired by his life and how difficult things were for him. It’s also inspired by the things that he did before and how God found him and changed him. Because of God and his newfound belief, De’aris was able to turn his life around for the better. The song is very uplifting and positive
In no way is the message in the song a cliche. We all need to be reminded that God is out there and he can work wonders for us. He can change the most lowly person into something truly great.
De’aris is an inspiration to all. Not only for the amazing songs that he writes, but for the way his life has turned out. The admiration that we have for this artist should go beyond all of that.
The song in itself is a work of passion and one might dare say, devotion. De’aris did all the work on this song himself, from singing to producing and mixing as well as everything else. This song is not only an expression of the artist’s love for God and all that he has done for him. This song is to share that love with the world and the people in it. It is De’aris’ hope that people will hear this song and experience this love for themselves. Hopefully they will realize that God and Jesus truly are out there and can turn any situation into something positive.