[music video.] Beleaf & Demo Daily – In God We Trust
Another Election Day gem. Republibloods and Democrips alike can respect what Beleaf has to say about how people in the faith should pursue our vote and our politics. Great, mature and balanced message with a tight beat behind it. Press release below:
Clothing company, Demo Daily, Beleaf Melanin of the Positive Hip Hop Crew theBREAX, and Super Producer Freddie Joachim join as a Collaborative effort to showcase each others talent.
Artist: Romali Licudan
Lyricist: Beleaf Melanin
Producer: Freddie Joachim
Designers: Allan Chua and JC Jackson
Videographer: David Apodaca
The Song asks the question, Where is our citizenship?
In God We Trust?
It says this on all of our money, but do we really? No doubt, money is important. But in our country today, the red, white, and blue all too often gets flushed out by misdirected obsession for the ‘green’. If a life is more about chasing paper or material objects, rather than chasing God’ much bigger deal (purpose), then it’s not really living. The amount we have can’t be the gauge or basis for our how much we trust God.
Having stacks of cash doesn’t make necessarily you ‘fly’ anyway. You can be filthy rich and still be filthy and broken (inside). So instead, let’s stack up what He’s entrusted us with higher, and higher every singe day (time, talents, gifts, treasures, and teams), no matter how much or how little we’re working with. Because when He’s pleased with our walk and our work — He’s faithful in giving us more to work with. And not just more in terms money, but more of exactly what we need.
“He who trusts in his riches will fall, But the righteous will flourish like the green leaf.”
~ Proverbs 11:28 (NASB)
Beleaf: TW/(@Beleaf_theBREAX)
theBREAX. TW/ (@theBREAX) and FB (/theBREAX)
Finally, check out the upstart clothing label Demo on the Daily.
TW (@demodaily) and FB (/demoonthedaily)