[read.] Are All Sins the Same?

Published on August 4, 2020

Are All Sins the Same?

It’s very popular for Christians to say, “All Sins are the same.” Maybe you’ve heard your Pastor say that or read it in an article somewhere. Maybe you heard someone on TV say it. These sentiments and opinions are pretty mainstream in many places both among Christians and non-believers alike but is it biblical?

The Need to See Both the Humanity and the Sin

Often people struggle with sins that are more visible than others. It is easy to look down on people who struggle with sins that we do not struggle with or no longer struggle with. This is an ungodly attitude to have that pushes many away from the faith. We often desire to see the humanity of the person without looking at their sin. This is not a necessarily bad idea.

However, it is impossible to completely separate both. That person’s sin currently separates them from a holy God (Is. 59:2) and without Christ that human is on their way to hell (John 3:16, 14:6, Rom. 6:23). However, we still gotta love on them at the same time and not be jerks!

What about Abominations and The Unforgivable Sin?

Honestly though, nowhere does scripture teach that ‘all sin is the same.’ We came up with that ourselves to make unbelievers feel better. The Bible teaches the opposite. Some sins are called ‘abominations’ (meaning very detestable sins) such as lying (Prov. 12:22) and homosexuality (Lev. 20:13) stealing and coveting etc many other sins are never called an abomination. Then Jesus says there is an unforgivable sin ‘blasphemy of the Holy Spirit’ (Matt. 12:31). That sin cannot be forgiven. Therefore, all sin cannot be the same when one particular sin cannot even be forgiven! Also, once in scripture Jesus said one person’s sin was greater than another’s (John 19:11).

All sin is wrong, all sin is terrible, all sin leads to death, but it is not all the same. Even logically, molesting a child or murdering someone is not the same as stealing candy from your grandma’s purse, right? However, all those actions are sin, right? Yes, it is all sin. Clearly, they are not the same and all carry different consequences.

Let us teach those in our sphere of influence that all sin is wicked, and a loving Savior died and rose again to redeem us from sin. Some sins are worse and more visible than others but the cure for all sins are the same! Let us love on people without looking down on them but still love on them with a sense of urgency because one day they will stand before God (Heb. 9:27). index

Justin Martyr Francis

Justin Martyr Francis a.k.a. Justin-Credible is a Servant of the Most High, Theologian, Preacher, Pastor, Musician, Artist, Producer & Husband. He was born and raised in Miami, Fl. His parent’s both hail from the beautiful island of Jamaica! He grew up in the church as the son of a Pastor and trusted Christ at the tender age of four years old & began preaching at the age of seven.