K-Drama – Dear Journal (Doug)
Song inspired by the Nickelodeon cartoon, Doug, where K-Drama goes hard on making known his intentions to do God Almighty’s will.
More About The Project
Four new songs have been added to this collection of songs that I released throughout 2020. I made a song sampling the theme songs from the 90s cartoons, Doug & Gargoyles. I also flipped the music from one of my favorite video games, Battletoads & remixed my song, “Hard to Beat” with Gifted da Flamethrowa & Jonathan Baker.
Other special guest features include Canton Jones, KamB.I.N.O. & Drew Anderson.
If you haven’t been following my #TBTMusicSeries, it’s a collection of songs where I make songs sampling music from some of my favorite childhood TV shows & video games & center the lyrics around some aspect of the content being sampled. It’s a fun project full of nostalgia.