9-year old responds to bullying through Chrisitan Rap

Published on June 11, 2023

When faced with bullying, Osiezhe Gboligi – John chooses to respond with words of love, prayer, and Christian Rap.

Known locally for his athletic and boxing skills, Osiezhe Gboligi – John received bullying texts from peers with obscenities and name-calling, repeatedly. Such interactions could easily have led to fight or flight, but Osiezhe Gboligi – John choose to respond with words of love, telling the offender, “I am praying for you,” along with Christian Rap.

You can see some of Osiezhe Gboligi – John’s Christian Rap here.

What you should know about bullying

Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort. Bullying can take the form of physical contact, words, or more subtle actions.

The bullied individual typically has trouble defending him or herself and does nothing to “cause” the bullying.

Cyberbullying is verbally threatening or harassing behavior conducted through such electronic technology as cell phones, email, social media, or text messaging.

10 Bullying statistics you may want to Know

  • 46% of teens report being cyberbullied at least once.
  • 60% of school shooters reported being bullied in person or online.
  • Nearly 25% of LGBQ+ students were bullied at school.
  • 22% of students get bullied during each school year
  • 43%-48% of students reported that they would not intervene in bullying. 
  • At 79%, verbal harassment is the most common type of bullying at school.
  • 84% of bullying in the UK happens through devices such as mobile phones or laptops.
  • At 53.8%, Hispanics are bullied the most of all races at work. 
  • 30% of US workers are bullying victims.
  • Rude name-calling is the most common form of child cyberbullying (32%).

Statistics courtesy of what to become



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