Christ Jr. is an independent Christian Rap artist out of Dayton, Ohio where he was born and raised.
Christ Jr. is an independent Christian Rap artist out of Dayton, Ohio where he was born and raised. Since August of 2016, he has been sharing his gift of music and released his first album titled Chasin God. However, before committing to his gospel rap movement (Goin All In) Christ Jr used to make what is considered street music. He is the oldest of three siblings and grew up in 5 Oaks, Dayton View, and Otterbein which is the heart of the hood in his hometown. Before going all in for Christ he was involved with drugs and alcohol. He accredits the renewing that has taken place in his life to God opening his eyes and revealing to him the way unto the light. Christ Jr’s mission is to see today’s youth walking in the light of the Lord. His hope is that with his personal testimony and music he can assist in guiding others in the direction of spirit and truth. Christ Jr. has a heart for his community and enjoys ministering in prisons, schools, churches, and gospel events. He received his Exhorter license in (2019) from Triumphant Ministries under Pastor Michael Williams. He has opened up for fellow artist Jada Vance and has also appeared on the Kick It Tour.
The full discography for Christ Jr will be available shortly.
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