The 116 Life Ep. 85 – A Change in Perspective with Parris Chariz

Published on September 11, 2024

In a recent episode of The 116 Life, Ace Harris and Meah Evans host Parris Chariz, a talented musician, shared his profound journey through music, personal struggles, and spiritual growth. The conversation, guided by the host and another participant, delved into themes of glorifying God through music, the importance of authenticity, and the impact of personal relationships. Parris’s reflections on his life experiences, particularly his challenging yet transformative past year, offer valuable lessons for anyone navigating their own path. This blog post breaks down the key insights from the episode, providing actionable advice and thorough explanations to guide listeners and readers alike.

Embracing Life’s Challenges and Finding Gratitude

Key Insight:

Parris experienced a year of extreme highs and lows, which reshaped his perspective on life and gratitude.

Actionable Advice:

Reflect on Your Journey: Take time to reflect on your past experiences, both good and bad. Understand how they have shaped your current perspective and what lessons you can draw from them.

Practice Gratitude: Cultivate a habit of gratitude by acknowledging the positive aspects of your life, even during challenging times. This can help shift your focus from what’s lacking to what’s abundant.

Embrace Change: Accept that life is full of ups and downs. Embrace the changes and challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

Detailed Explanation:

Parris’s journey through a tough year followed by a period of immense gratitude highlights the importance of embracing life’s challenges. He learned to appreciate the present moment and the lessons each experience brought. By reflecting on his near-death experience, Parris realized the value of personal connections over material achievements, which significantly altered his outlook on life.

Glorifying God Through Music

Key Insight:

Parris aims to glorify God through his music, understanding that the platform he envisions may differ from what God has planned for him.

Actionable Advice:

Align Your Goals with Your Values: Ensure that your personal and professional goals align with your core values and beliefs. This alignment can provide a sense of purpose and direction.

Be Open to Different Paths: Recognize that the path to achieving your goals may not always look the way you expect. Be open to different opportunities and trust the process.

Focus on Impact Over Popularity: Measure success by the impact you have on others rather than by external validation or popularity. Authentic connections and meaningful contributions are more valuable.

Detailed Explanation:

Parris’s desire to glorify God through his music reflects his deep commitment to his faith. He has learned to be content with the platform God provides, even if it doesn’t match his initial vision. This shift in perspective allows him to focus on the impact of his music on individuals rather than seeking widespread fame.

The Importance of Authenticity

Key Insight:

Authenticity is crucial for personal and professional growth. Parris emphasizes being true to oneself and honest about emotions.

Actionable Advice:

Be True to Yourself: Embrace your true self and express your thoughts and feelings honestly. Authenticity fosters genuine connections and personal fulfillment.

Share Your Story: Don’t be afraid to share your personal experiences and struggles. Your story can inspire and resonate with others who may be facing similar challenges.

Avoid Comparisons: Focus on your unique journey and avoid comparing yourself to others. Each person’s path is different, and comparison can lead to unnecessary stress and self-doubt.

Detailed Explanation:

Parris’s commitment to authenticity is evident in his music and personal interactions. He believes that being honest about one’s emotions, whether joy or pain, is essential for understanding and growth. By sharing his real-life experiences, Parris connects with his audience on a deeper level, making his music relatable and impactful.

Navigating Personal Relationships

Key Insight:

Personal relationships play a significant role in Parris’s life and music. He values the support and influence of his family and friends.

Actionable Advice:

Build Strong Support Systems: Surround yourself with people who support and uplift you. A strong support system can provide encouragement and guidance during challenging times.

Communicate Openly: Foster open and honest communication in your relationships. Transparency builds trust and strengthens connections.

Learn from Influences: Recognize the positive influences in your life and learn from their guidance. Mentors and role models can provide valuable insights and help you stay focused on your goals.

Detailed Explanation:

Parris’s relationships, particularly with his uncle and girlfriend, have significantly influenced his journey. His uncle’s discipline and guidance helped him stay focused during his formative years, while his girlfriend and friends provided ongoing support. These relationships have shaped Parris’s values and contribute to his personal and professional growth.

Overcoming Insecurities and Embracing Freedom

Key Insight:

Parris has faced insecurities about his music and personal choices but has learned to push through fear and embrace freedom.

Actionable Advice:

Face Your Fears: Identify your insecurities and confront them head-on. Pushing through fear can lead to personal growth and new opportunities.

Embrace Freedom: Allow yourself the freedom to explore different paths and make choices that align with your true self. Don’t let societal expectations or fear of judgment hold you back.

Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Recognizing your progress can boost your confidence and motivation.

Detailed Explanation:

Parris’s journey to overcome insecurities and embrace freedom is a testament to his resilience. Despite fears of rejection and judgment, he continues to create music that reflects his true self. His willingness to share his struggles and triumphs encourages others to do the same, fostering a culture of authenticity and courage.


Parris’s insights on life, music, and spiritual growth offer valuable lessons for anyone navigating their own journey. By embracing life’s challenges, glorifying God through their work, prioritizing authenticity, nurturing personal relationships, and overcoming insecurities, individuals can find purpose and fulfillment. Parris’s story is a powerful reminder that true success lies in the impact we have on others and the authenticity we bring to our endeavors.

For those inspired by Parris’s journey, his new album “Take You to Parris” is a testament to his commitment to authenticity and purpose. It’s a smooth listening that offers a glimpse into his life experiences and the lessons he has learned along the way.

Holy Culture Radio is operated by The Corelink Solution, a non-profit organization that aims to create a safe space for healing, foster unity in our communities and empower the next generation of creatives and leaders through spreading the gospel.

If you’d like to support our work, please make a donation. No amount is too small. You can also shop our online store to help spread awareness of our mission. Again, thank you and remember to be encouraged and be blessed.

Episode Timestamps:

Life’s Polar Opposites (00:00:00)

Parris reflects on his contrasting experiences from last year to this year, describing significant personal growth.

Purpose and Music (00:00:41)

Discussion on Parris’s evolving perspective regarding his purpose in music and glorifying God.

The Value of Relationships (00:01:09)

Parris shares thoughts on the importance of personal relationships over music fame, emphasizing authenticity.

Contentment with God’s Plan (00:02:14)

Exploration of the theme of being content with God’s plan and learning from current life seasons.

Redefining Breakthrough (00:02:37)

Parris discusses how societal definitions of success may not align with individual experiences and breakthroughs.

Countering Negative Culture (00:03:43)

Parris talks about addressing harmful behaviors in his music, aiming to influence listeners positively.

Navigating Artistic Platforms (00:04:25)

The complexities of balancing the desire for a large platform while staying humble and true to one’s calling.

Honesty in Expression (00:06:53)

Parris emphasizes the importance of being honest about feelings and emotions, breaking societal norms.

Joy in Music and Relationships (00:07:58)

Parris shares what brings him joy, highlighting the significance of music and his relationship with God.

Excitement and Reluctance for Touring (00:08:55)

Parris expresses mixed feelings about performing live, acknowledging it as part of his calling despite personal discomfort.

Connecting with Fans (00:10:58)

Parris shares the joy of connecting with fans who resonate with his music, enhancing his sense of purpose.

The Impact of Personal Interactions (00:11:36)

The importance of personal interactions with fans and how they affirm his music’s impact.

Childhood and Upbringing (00:14:45)

Parris discusses his childhood in Detroit, his church background, and the transition to living with his uncle in Tulsa.

Transitioning to Tulsa (00:17:30)

Reflections on the challenges and differences he faced while moving from Detroit to Tulsa, focusing on staying out of trouble.

Influence of His Uncle (00:18:17)

Parris highlights how his uncle’s authority and discipline helped shape his behavior and focus during adolescence.

Discipline and Focus (00:18:33)

Parris discusses the importance of discipline and focus, influenced by his uncle’s guidance.

Returning to Church (00:20:07)

Parris shares his journey of reconnecting with church and faith during high school.

College Life and Temptations (00:21:03)

He reflects on the challenges of maintaining faith while navigating college life and peer influences.

Choosing Music Over Basketball (00:23:10)

Parris explains his decision to pursue music after a serious injury impacted his basketball career.

Music Vision and Authenticity (00:26:51)

He discusses his evolving vision for music, aiming to connect with listeners through authentic storytelling.

Health Struggles and Music Impact (00:29:54)

Parris reveals his battle with meningitis and how it influenced his music and creative process.

Breaking Cycles and Personal Growth (00:34:52)

He talks about overcoming personal struggles and breaking cycles of behavior through his experiences.

Pushing Through Fear (00:37:28)

Parris discusses overcoming fears about sharing his music and the impact it can have on others.

Concept of Freedom (00:38:22)

He reflects on his desire for freedom and the simplicity behind his artistic expression.

Insecurity about the Album (00:39:14)

Parris shares his ongoing insecurities regarding his album despite its release.

Favorite Album Discussion (00:39:28)

The speakers discuss Parris’s feelings about his current album compared to his previous works.

Authenticity in Relationships (00:40:27)

Parris talks about his freedom to discuss relationships in his music without societal expectations.

Personal Testimony (00:40:59)

He shares his past experiences and how they shape his understanding of relationships.

Breaking Stigmas (00:42:24)

Parris addresses the stigma around discussing personal experiences within the Christian community.

Encouraging Authenticity (00:43:34)

He emphasizes the importance of authenticity in music and encourages others to embrace their truths.

Finding Your Path (00:45:18)

Parris advises listeners to follow their unique paths and not conform to others’ expectations.

Support and Community (00:47:04)

He highlights the importance of having a supportive community while pursuing one’s mission.

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