Jackie Hill Perry Sparks Lyrical Debate In CHH

Published on July 11, 2024

Jackie Hill Perry has set off a firestorm online.

Two weeks ago, the CHH legend was interviewed by Rapzilla’s Justin Sarachik. During which Justin asks her to name the top 5 lyricists among her peers, to which she responded:

Jackie: I don’t think there’s a lot of lyricism in Christian Hip Hop. So it’s hard to count five.

Jackie: But I do think, what’s that group with nobigdyl in it?

JS: IndieTribe?

Jackie: Yeah, I think they can rap for sure.

Jackie: I think Aha Gazelle, he has a way with words that’s very clever, and interesting. And I enjoy Hulvey. Other than that.

Those words continue to ripple across all corners of the internet, sparking debates in agreement or in response to her opinion.

What seems to sting the Christian Hip Hop community was that there weren’t more names mentioned. Comments to the clip ran the gamut from this:

To more others that had a different perspective:

Whichever way you lean in the debate, we have all benefited greatly because the conversation has ignited the creation of response videos such as this one from Datin:

This one from Monster Tarver.

And this one from J. Monty.

All expertly and masterfully displaying their lyrical prowess.

Perhaps the most thought-provoking reaction, however, was from our very own Wade-O.

On his show, the Hall of Famer, questioned how much Christian Hip Hop the megastar actually listened to. A fact she alluded to three months ago, in the “Women In Hip Hop” episode of the 116 Life (31:22), where she admitted:

I don’t listen to a lot of Christian rap, because they either don’t rap well or the beats sounds like its for a youth group.

Wade-O further challenges the root of the responses to her comments, and the state of the heart from where they came. Our brother wisely advices those in the space to reflect on the reason why they create.

And rather than focusing on the platform, to remain faithful in the calling to spread the gospel.

Watch Wade-O’s response, then sound off below. What do you think of all this? We’d love to hear from you.

Related Radio Show: DJ WADE-O RADIO SHOW



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