Jonah Daniel Reacts to God Over Money Announcement
Published on February 12, 2024
God Over Money Records (GOM) announced last week that they had signed their newest artist, Jonah Daniel.
Holy Culture reached out to Daniel and he was gracious enough to correspond with us on the momentous occasion.
His journey in Christian Hip Hop started at the age of 15, the budding artists recalls:
“I have been writing and recording music since I was 15. Christian rap was always my passion since Lecrae came to my school when I was 5 yrs old and my mom bought the Real Talk CD for us.
So at 15 I was asked the question of what I wanted to be when I grow up and I knew that I wanted to live the life that comes with being an artist.”
According to his YouTube channel, it was at this tender age, that he began to write and record music. But it wasn’t until a supernatural encounter with Jesus at 18, that Daniel submitted his gift of music to God.
“ I was saved and baptized with the Holy Spirit at 18. I was already well known in the world for doing music, so I tried to immediately switch genres to match my faith.
I didn’t realize that my sinful motive was just to keep up my secular success that I had before Christ. So that attempt was exposed and was quickly ended by the Lord.
I then became fine with just being a normal working man If that’s what God wanted for me. So I completely gave up the music.
In 2020 after walking out my young Faith, I began to experience trials and felt a peace to pick up the pen and write my experiences like King David. The difference now was I was completely OK to keep the music between me and the Lord.
As I kept the music to myself, the Lord began to allow it to get out and subtle ways. One night in prayer, I sat still before the Lord and asked Him what my purpose was, and waited for an answer. I didn’t hear words, but got a clear vision of my studio set up, and knew that was His answer.”
It seemed that life was finally on course. Full of peace and with the favor of the Lord on his calling, Jonah married his now wife Breanne Jethrow.
“So my wife and I have been married since May 2021.
She immediately became pregnant after we were married, which was followed by two miscarriages. After those situations I could conclude that nothing is certain until it is finished.
So after fasting, prayer and grieving, the following Mother’s Day of 2022 the verse of the day was Isaiah 54, which was a promise that the Lord would bless the offspring of His children.
That same day I bought a pregnancy test for my wife that was positive, and we believed in God‘s promise that our son would be born and that the grieving was over. And he was, Noah Daniel, fully healthy, the most happy baby I’ve ever met. My family and I fully share the joy that he has as a miracle child.”
But 2021 would just be the start of his blessings.
“In February of 2022 I had my first full studio session with 2SC in Tampa Florida which led me to visit Crossover Church (Pastor Tommy) while I was down there.
Everyone suggested that I signed up for Flavor Fest, despite my doubts of being accepted lol.
I signed up and received confirmation that I was selected to perform.
They then informed me that I would be performing in front of Bizzle.
So at Flavor Fest before Bizzle even knew who I was he took moments to talk with me about what he’s learned in his career not even knowing that I was the artist performing in front of him the next night.
He didn’t seem to care that I was an artist, he just talked to me like I was a brother in Christ.
Very awesome first impression.
After I performed, I was discouraged that nobody acknowledged my set, but Scott Free and 1K Phew prayed at the end of the show, and I took that time to give my anxieties and ungratefulness to the Lord.
As I was walking out full of thanks for the opportunity, Bizzle then stopped me to talk about my performance, and showed that he was impressed.
The link up started from there. A few months later after long distance fellowship he offered me a deal.“

After growing in the Lord, getting married, and maturing in my craft I realized that there’s many things I wasn’t made to do alone, including Music.
I knew I would need a solid team to help lead me. After Bizzle put out the Messenger 4, along with CHH ain’t dead by Datin, God Knows by Flame, Today We Rebel by KB I also realized that I would want to do music with rappers as bold as them.
Completely unashamed of the gospel, no compromise while making music that is deeply rooted in the Word of God.
The Lord must’ve heard my prayer lol.
I most definitely did not expect to have an opportunity like GOM so soon into my career but the Lord‘s timing is perfect.”
“ All of the tracks that I sent to Bizzle and the team they loved.
From there we used 2023 to lay out the album and shoot content.
The moment I was flown to LA to shoot music videos with Arise I knew it was official.
Bizzle spoke highly of the music I had, and was very open to others about the vision he had for me during this season of GOM.”
It goes without saying that we are beyond excited that such a young talent on fire for Christ has found a partner in music with Bizzle and GOM. And we wish both much success and blessings in spreading the good news of Jesus.
Daniel for his parts has a goal in mind:
“I want my legacy to be not only a continuation of CHH but also to bring improvement for the culture showing that we don’t have to compromise our values or convictions to make “Grammy level music.”
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