The 116 Life Ep. 89: Full Circle Faith With Brian Richard Griffin

Published on October 10, 2024

In a recent episode of “The 116 Life” on Holy Culture Radio, hosts Meah Evans and guest Brian Richard Griffin delve into a profound conversation about life, community, faith, and the transformative power of music. Brian, who plays a pivotal role at Reach Records, shares his journey from Michigan to Atlanta, his experiences in Italy, and the lessons he’s learned along the way. This blog post will break down the key themes and insights from the episode, offering actionable advice and in-depth explanations to guide listeners and readers alike.

Introduction: The Passage of Time and Reflection

Meah Evans opens the episode by reflecting on how quickly the year has passed, particularly noting the swift passage of September. She emphasizes the importance of taking time to reflect and express gratitude for the experiences of the year. This sets the stage for a conversation that delves into the significance of community, mentorship, and personal growth.

Brian’s Life and Community

Finding Community in a New City

Brian shares that his life is currently very full, filled with meaningful interactions and experiences. Having moved to Atlanta two years ago, he reflects on the journey of finding his community. As an extrovert, Brian actively sought out connections upon arriving in Atlanta, primarily through church and various ministries, particularly within the Christian hip-hop scene.

Actionable Tips:
Seek Out Community: Whether you’re an extrovert or introvert, actively seeking out community is crucial. Attend local church events, join ministry groups, or participate in community activities that align with your interests.
Diverse Connections: Embrace the diversity within the body of Christ. Building relationships with people from different backgrounds can enrich your community experience.

The Importance of Depth in Relationships

Brian emphasizes that community looks different for everyone and that the beauty of the body of Christ lies in its diversity. He stresses the importance of depth in relationships, noting that shallow connections do not fulfill the need for genuine community.

Actionable Tips:
Invest in Deep Relationships: Focus on building deep, meaningful relationships rather than accumulating a large number of acquaintances.
Be Vulnerable: Authenticity and vulnerability are key to forming deep connections. Share your struggles and triumphs with trusted friends.

Brian’s Role at Reach Records

Navigating Digital Operations

Brian explains his position in digital operations at Reach Records, where he is responsible for uploading music to streaming platforms and managing various aspects of music releases. His role involves a variety of tasks, from editorial pitching to creating unique fan experiences for different artists.

Actionable Tips:
Stay Organized: Managing multiple tasks requires strong organizational skills. Use tools like project management software to keep track of deadlines and responsibilities.
Continuous Learning:** Stay updated with industry trends and best practices. Dedicate time to self-education through articles, courses, and networking with industry professionals.

Journey to Reach Records

Brian recounts his journey to his current position, starting as a songwriter and transitioning into media work during college. His freelance work in graphic design and video production led him to discover the music business, which he had not previously realized was a viable career path.

Actionable Tips:
Explore Different Roles: Don’t be afraid to explore various roles within your field of interest. Each experience can provide valuable skills and insights.
Persistence Pays Off: Brian applied for an internship at Reach Records multiple times before securing a position. Persistence and resilience are key to achieving your career goals.

Learning and Growth

Embracing the Learning Curve

Brian reflects on the learning curve he experienced during his internship, where he immersed himself in understanding the music business. He emphasizes the importance of self-education and dedication to learning.

Actionable Tips:
Self-Education: Take initiative to learn outside of work hours. Read industry-related articles, watch tutorials, and seek mentorship from experienced professionals.
Embrace Challenges: View challenges as opportunities for growth. Each obstacle you overcome adds to your knowledge and experience.

Upbringing and Mentorship

The Role of Mentorship

Brian shares insights into his upbringing in Michigan, describing a healthy family life and the influence of strong male figures in his life. He highlights the importance of vulnerability in male friendships and the role of mentors in his personal and professional development.

Actionable Tips:
Seek Mentorship: Identify mentors who can provide guidance and support. Look for individuals who demonstrate the qualities and values you aspire to.
Be a Mentor: Pay it forward by mentoring others. Sharing your experiences and knowledge can have a profound impact on someone’s life.

Transition to Atlanta

Navigating Loneliness and Faith

Brian discusses the challenges of leaving his established community in Michigan to pursue his passion in Atlanta. He describes the loneliness that accompanied this transition but emphasizes that it was a necessary step in his journey.

Actionable Tips:
Lean on Faith: During times of change and uncertainty, rely on your faith for guidance and support. Prayer and meditation can provide comfort and clarity.
Build New Connections: Actively seek out new connections in your new environment. Join local groups, attend events, and be open to meeting new people.

Life in Italy: A Transformative Experience

Adapting to a New Environment

Brian describes his experience living in Italy, highlighting the challenges and rewards of adapting to a new environment. This period of his life was marked by personal growth and spiritual development.

Actionable Tips:
Embrace Change: Adapting to a new environment can be challenging, but it also offers opportunities for growth. Be open to new experiences and perspectives.
Build a Support Network:** Connect with fellow expatriates or locals who can provide support and companionship.

Shifting Perspectives on Faith

Brian shares how his time in Rome influenced his understanding of faith. He realized that the Christian experience could be nuanced and that there were believers around the world who lived out their faith authentically, despite cultural differences.

Actionable Tips:
Expand Your Horizons: Travel and exposure to different cultures can broaden your understanding of faith and life. Embrace the diversity of experiences and perspectives.
Reflect on Your Faith: Take time to reflect on your faith journey and be open to new insights and revelations.

Conclusion: Embracing the Journey

As the episode progresses, Meah and Brian continue to explore various aspects of his life, including his experiences in Italy and the impact of his journey on his current work. The conversation highlights the significance of community, mentorship, and the intersection of passion and profession. Brian’s story serves as an inspiration for listeners, encouraging them to seek depth in their relationships and to embrace the journey of discovering their passions.

Final Thoughts:
Seek Depth in Relationships: Invest in meaningful connections that provide support and growth.
Embrace Change and Growth: View challenges and transitions as opportunities for personal and spiritual development.
Pursue Your Passions: Follow your interests and be persistent in achieving your career goals.

Listeners are left with a sense of hope and encouragement to explore their own faith journeys, seek community, and embrace the nuances of their spiritual lives. Brian’s journey serves as a reminder of the beauty of God’s story unfolding in each of our lives, and the impact we can have on others through mentorship and authentic relationships.

This episode of The 116 Life serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative journey of Christian hip hop. Hosts Ace Harris and Meah Evans celebrate the genre’s evolution and its growing impact on mainstream culture. They encourage artists and listeners to embrace authenticity, celebrate achievements, engage with mainstream culture, utilize digital platforms, and maintain integrity and boldness in their faith expressions.

As Christian hip hop continues to evolve, it holds the potential to inspire and connect people across different backgrounds and beliefs. By staying true to their faith and artistic vision, Christian hip hop artists can make a significant cultural impact and share messages of hope and truth with a broader audience.

Holy Culture Radio is operated by The Corelink Solution, a non-profit organization that aims to create a safe space for healing, foster unity in our communities and empower the next generation of creatives and leaders through spreading the gospel.

If you’d like to support our work, please make a donation. No amount is too small. You can also shop our online store to help spread awareness of our mission. Again, thank you and remember to be encouraged and be blessed


Introduction and Reflection (00:00:00)
Meah Evans welcomes listeners, reflecting on the passage of time and the importance of community.

Guest Introduction (00:00:56)
Meah introduces Brian Richard Griffin, emphasizing the significance of those behind the scenes in the music industry.

Life Update (00:01:45)
Brian shares his current life season, feeling full and grateful for community and transformation.

Finding Community in Atlanta (00:02:37)
Brian discusses his journey of finding community after moving to Atlanta and the importance of relationships.

Value of Community (00:03:46)
Brian reflects on his lifelong appreciation for community, influenced by his family’s church involvement.

Introversion vs. Extroversion (00:04:24)
Meah and Brian discuss the different needs for community based on personality types.

Importance of Depth in Community (00:05:36)
Brian emphasizes the necessity of depth in relationships, contrasting shallow connections with meaningful ones.

Role at Reach Records (00:06:06)
Brian explains his position in digital operations at Reach Records and the variety of tasks involved.

Understanding Activations (00:07:08)
Brian describes “activations” as unique experiences designed for artist releases, tailored to fan engagement.

Passion for Music Business (00:08:07)
Brian shares his journey from aspiring songwriter to discovering a passion for music business.

Learning the Music Business (00:10:32)
Brian recounts his internship experience, highlighting the learning curve and the importance of understanding the industry.

Reading and Self-Education (00:12:07)
Brian discusses his dedication to self-education through reading articles about the music business.

Background in Music (00:13:05)
Brian reflects on his experience as a drummer in a band, taking on managerial roles early on.

Memorable Projects at Reach (00:14:01)
Brian shares a unique project involving a gamified website for an artist release, showcasing creative marketing.

Transitioning to Atlanta (00:15:47)
Brian talks about his upbringing in Michigan and the supportive male figures who influenced his life.

Impact of Mentorship (00:18:09)
Brian discusses the importance of vulnerability and mentorship among men, reflecting on his own experiences.

Leaving Community for Opportunity (00:19:27)
Brian shares the challenges of leaving his community in Michigan to pursue his passion at Reach Records.

Living in Italy (00:21:00)
Brian shares his experience studying abroad in Italy while working at Reach Records.

Building Community (00:22:24)
Discussion on the ease of forming connections with new friends in Italy.

Influence of Italian Faith (00:23:11)
Brian reflects on how his time in Italy impacted his perspective on American Christianity.

Self-Righteousness and Growth (00:24:55)
Brian acknowledges his past self-righteousness and the lessons learned from his peers.

Misconceptions in Western Faith (00:27:36)
Exploration of the differences between American and Italian expressions of faith.

Traveling and Worship (00:28:57)
The importance of experiencing diverse worship styles and their impact on faith.

Discovering Reach Records (00:30:09)
Brian recounts his first encounter with Reach Records and Lecrae’s influence on him.

Mentoring Middle Schoolers (00:32:25)
Brian discusses his role as a mentor and the fulfillment it brings.

Full Circle Moments (00:34:39)
Brian reflects on the significance of connecting with young fans of Reach Records.

Living Unashamed (00:37:13)
Brian shares how his experiences in Rome strengthened his commitment to the gospel.

Intimacy with God (00:39:52)
Discussion on the transformative power of a deep relationship with God.

Advice for Seeking Intimacy (00:42:31)
Brian offers guidance for those struggling with intimacy in their faith and community.

Related Radio Show: 116 Life



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