Audio Leak: Transformed “They don’t want no problems”

Song: “They Dont Want No Problems”
Production: Music Produced By Trifik
Album: “When Kings Go 2 War”
Release Date: 11-24-10
Label: G.A.P Records
Hometown: Hawaii

Audio Leak

My passion for Jesus Christ was set ablaze at an early age, literally. In 1983 I was diagnosed as a “NDE” (Near Death Experience). At the age of three years old I was stuck in my bedroom filled with flames and smoke with my 9 month old baby brother (Matthew). The fire was set by myself, a book, and a space heater. After breathing in the black smoke, my heart eventually failed from smoke inhalation. I was clinically considered dead on the way to the hospital. I then awoke in the ambulance, with an awesome and unforgettable experience. When my eyes shut in the bedroom full of flames, I remember falling backwards onto my bed as if I were going to sleep. But my eyes never shut. My spiritual eyes were now open. I could see a vigorous light that enthroned my presence, with a multitude of people holding hands and surrounding me, which filled me with comfort, trust and love. Then a man approached me with His hands held wide open as if He was getting ready to hug me. Then my physical eyes opened and I was in the ambulance in peace. I declared to my grandmother while in the hospital that I have seen JESUS. My whole purpose of sharing this unforgettable moment of my life is to encourage you (whoever is reading this) that JESUS is real and JESUS is alive. SO be encouraged more than ever because Christ is with us and stands before us in all that we do if we will trust in Him. These are the last days and the enemy is out to take away our inheritance in Christ with all that he’s got. We need to stand together in Christ Jesus! Since seeing Jesus, I have been on a journey to discover the Truth in Jesus and have grown a desire to Get Closer to Him every day of my life. Its now no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me! Praise God! So lets strive to get closer Jesus “Now” more than Ever!

What I have realized through my journey of Truth and my travels through my intimate moments with my Lord Jesus, is that there is an enemy against us believers. This enemy is doing everything in its power to distract, distort, confuse, destroy, discourage, and annihilate us and our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ! The Holy Spirit impressed upon my Heart that all though we rest in Christ we are war! We are at war to hold fast in the Faith and we are at war against everything that exalts itself above and against our God, whether its power and principalities in this world or even our own self! The Goal of this “When Kings Go 2 War” project is to bring awareness to the Body of Christ and especially the Hip Hop Culture that we need to go to war with the indwelling Sin! With the guidance of the Holy Spirit and with Jesus as our Commander and Chief, we have victory in Christ in every battle but the war is not over. So stay tuned as we dig deep into scripture, with continual prayer and ultimately get closer to Christ Jesus by faith, for Christ In Us is the hope of our Glory!!!!


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