Jaae Kash is pushing “T.T.G.” a West Coast Anthem

Jaae Kash is back with another West Coast banger – “T.T.G.” With his last single, “All I Need,” reaching more than 48,000+ plays and streams (according to Fortunes.io), Jaae wanted to give his listeners more before the 2022 year ends. 

‘Everything I’ve been through was training for where God was taking me next. How can I help others if I’ve never been through anything? The jobs I worked, the struggles I faced, the wins and losses. It was all a divine plan of preparation. That’s what I want people to remember when they are listening to this song. We are all being trained.” said Kash.

The video is serious and has a militant approach. Jaae’s energy is high and confident. His team also involves subtle synchronized dancing that adds flair and flavor to the motion picture. 

That the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work. – 2 Timothy 3:17