Lamar Riddick – Victory

We often only see people in their moments of praise, but it is important to see what goes into making it to that point. Lamar shared this post on IG several weeks before the song dropped.

“So in 2020 around the month of September, I hit depression. It was hard to hear from God. It was hard to see my purpose. I felt defeated. Many of you all don’t know that my Dad flew all the way up to West Virginia from Florida to encourage me during that season. It made a shift in my atmosphere. We talked for hours. Worked out and shared many laughs. He reminded me that I had a purpose. So I want you to know that you have one too. We have the Victory because God has it.”

None of us are immune from the ups and downs. However, the difference is knowing that solutions start with Christ. As Lamar says….

“I created Victory to encourage listeners to focus on the true victory that God promises. Not political victory, monetary victory, or any other distraction. Just be confident in who you are and what God has made you for.”