The Good News Philly Cypher (Cypher 1)

I was honored to be able to attend in person to watch the recording as Miz pulled together many of the Christian Hip-Hop artists from Philly to pull off The Good News Philly Cypher. This is just part 1!

Shot by @mrjmilz @jnaz_studios

Beats produced by @prodi_215 (Prodi the Prodigal)

Songs mixed by @beridox215 and mastered by @shotbyesso #


@iammicwise lyrichriss @ty_niq @dochero @takeflight___ @mynista @tcfromstayup @_untidld @leerjetta @emceecharliek @iamsanovia @bighomie_daog @aablemusic @chvlicee @rick_harmoney @qflo_music215 @melodiousthump @tswlegend @iamkeianaparks @tcodamusic @balive5600 @hideftone @holyculture #thegoodnewsphillycypher