Falling in Love with Jesus: A Journey of Faith and Action

In a world filled with distractions and challenges, maintaining a deep, loving relationship with Jesus Christ can often be a struggle. In a recent episode of Da Fixx, DJ Focus and Dice Gamble explore the significance of keeping Christ as our first love. Tune in as our hosts discuss the importance of reflecting on our relationship with Christ and how to prioritize Him above all else.

The Foundation of Love for Christ

Understanding the Concept of First Love

Our hosts share personal experiences of loss and challenges, which have ultimately deepened their ability to minister and love others. They stress that one’s first love must be God, specifically Jesus Christ, who is the source of trust, guidance, and unconditional love. This relationship is characterized as a steadfast anchor that will not lead one astray, reinforcing the idea that prioritizing love for God is essential for a meaningful life.

During difficult times, it is common to question one’s love for God. However, our hosts encourage steadfastness and faith, reminding us that God remains in control, regardless of the circumstances. God does not waver in His love.

Biblical Assurance of God’s Love

Romans 8:35-39 poses the question of what can separate us from the love of Christ. The passage lists various trials—trouble, hardship, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger, and even death—but concludes with the assurance that nothing in all creation can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. This scripture serves as a reminder that, despite life’s challenges, God’s love is unwavering and ever-present.

Our hosts encourage us to lean into this love, especially during trials. Trusting in Christ’s love provides the strength needed to navigate life’s difficulties. The message is clear: while challenges are inevitable, God’s love remains a constant source of support and encouragement.

Man Praying with rose tattoo bw (Jesus)

Practical Steps to Prioritize Christ as Your First Love

Daily Practices to Strengthen Your Relationship with Christ

  1. Start Your Day with Prayer: Beginning your day with prayer is a beautiful way to acknowledge God’s presence in your life. This practice sets a positive tone for the day and keeps you grounded in your faith.
  2. Seek God’s Guidance in Decisions: **Seek God’s direction before making significant decisions, whether it’s entering a relationship or making a major purchase. This practice ensures that your choices align with God’s will.
  3. Engage in Regular Bible Study: Immersing yourself in God’s Word helps you understand His character and His desires for your life. Regular Bible study strengthens your faith and deepens your relationship with Christ.
  4. Serve Others: True love for God manifests through actions, such as serving others. Volunteering your time and resources to help those in need is a powerful way to demonstrate your love for Christ.

Overcoming Distractions and Challenges

  1. Identify and Eliminate Distractions: Reflect on the things that may be distracting you from your relationship with Christ. Whether it’s social media, work, or other commitments, find ways to minimize these distractions and focus on your faith.
  2. Stay Connected with a Faith Community: Surround yourself with fellow believers who can support and encourage you in your spiritual journey. Engaging in a faith community provides accountability and helps you stay focused on your relationship with Christ.
  3. Trust in God’s Plan: During difficult times, it’s easy to lose sight of God’s love. Trust the process and have faith that God is in control. Lean on His promises and trust that He has a plan for your life.

The Role of Community and Artists in Faith

Celebrating Christian Hip-Hop and Its Impact

Focus and Dice also address the misconception that Christian hip hop is dead, asserting that there are still artists who are passionately preaching the gospel while producing high-quality music. They celebrate the efforts of artists like Nobigdyl who are setting standards and taking their craft seriously, as well as other emerging talents in the space.

Our hosts express pride in the growth of Christian artists who are committed to excellence in their work. They emphasize the importance of preparation and dedication, noting that artists are beginning to recognize their worth and the value of their contributions to the culture. This shift reflects a broader movement within the Christian community to embrace creativity and authenticity while remaining rooted in faith.

bible study (Jesus)

Final Thoughts

By implementing the practical steps discussed and staying connected with a supportive faith community, you can deepen your relationship with Christ and keep Him as your first love. Remember, true love for God is demonstrated through your actions, and prioritizing this relationship will lead to a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Holy Culture Radio is operated by The Corelink Solution, a non-profit organization that aims to create a safe space for healing, foster unity in our communities and empower the next generation of creatives and leaders through spreading the gospel.

If you’d like to support our work, please make a donation. No amount is too small. You can also shop our online store to help spread awareness of our mission. Again, thank you and remember to be encouraged and be blessed.


Introduction to the Topic (00:00:00)
The speakers introduce the theme of Christ as one’s first love and express excitement for the discussion.

Understanding First Love (00:00:53)
Explaining the concept of first love, emphasizing its emotional significance and lasting impact.

Forgetting First Love Leads to Sin (00:01:53)
Discussion on how forgetting Christ as one’s first love can lead to falling into sin.

Approaching God as First Love (00:02:06)
Emphasizing the importance of genuinely approaching God as one’s first love in daily life.

The Importance of Prayer (00:02:44)
Discussion on the role of prayer in maintaining a relationship with God.

Comfort in Self-Reliance (00:03:27)
Questioning whether believers have become too comfortable relying on their own strength.

Godly Love vs. Worldly Love (00:03:45)
The difference between spiritual love with worldly love, highlighting the depth of godly love.

The Greatest Commandment (00:04:22)
Referencing Matthew 22:37-38, discussing the importance of loving God fully.

Filtering Relationships Through Christ (00:05:11)
Discussion on how to approach relationships by filtering actions through Christ’s teachings.

Avoiding Sin Through Love (00:06:03)
True love for Christ helps prevent falling into sin.

Distractions in Relationships (00:06:52)
Sharing how distractions arise in relationships and the ease of loving God while single.

Living a Life of Faith (00:07:48)
How to incorporate faith into daily actions and interactions.

The Impact of Love and Giving (00:08:40)
Discussion about how loving and giving to others reflects one’s love for God.

The Importance of Sacrifice (00:10:22)
Emphasizing that giving is a sacrifice that shows love and trust in God.

Mature vs. Immature Christians (00:12:45)
Distinguishing between mature and immature Christians based on their understanding of giving.

The Principle of Giving (00:13:04)
Discussion on how giving reflects one’s trust in God and the blessings that follow.

Love as an Action Word (00:14:43)
How love requires action and obedience to God’s commandments.

The Purpose of Marriage (00:15:30)
Discussion on the purpose of marriage and how it relates to love and faith.

God’s Plan for Our Lives (00:16:32)
Reflecting on how God uses life experiences to shape individuals for His purpose.

Conclusion and Reflection (00:17:17)
Encouraging listeners to appreciate their unique life experiences as part of God’s love.

The Importance of First Love (00:18:00)
Discussion on the necessity of prioritizing God as one’s first love and trusting Him.

Trusting the Process (00:18:35)
Emphasizing the need to remain steadfast through trials and trust in God’s control.

Biblical Assurance of God’s Love (00:19:12)
Shares Romans 8:35-39, affirming that nothing can separate us from Christ’s love.

Encouragement Through Trials (00:19:52)
Encouraging listeners to lean on Christ’s love during difficult situations.

Christian Hip Hop and Culture (00:20:35)
Highlighting the revival and significance of Christian hip hop in contemporary culture.

Artists Taking Their Craft Seriously (00:20:50)
Celebrating artists in the genre committing to quality and professionalism in their work.

Positive Focus and Kingdom Advancement (00:21:24)
Encouraging listeners to turn negatives into positives and prioritize kingdom goals.