From Secular to Sacred: How Mr. 2-17’s Faith Changed the Music Game

In a recent episode of Da Fixx, DJ Focus and Dice Gamble welcomed, Mr. 2-17, a talented producer, artist, and motivational speaker, who shared his inspiring journey of faith and its profound impact on his career and community. From his transition from secular to Christian music to his boldness in reaching out to his community, get to know the man behind the music. Here’s a quick look at what was discussed.

Mr. 2-17 on stage with other leaders (faith)

The Faith Journey: Embracing Discipleship and Divine Guidance

Early Beginnings and Pivotal Moments

Mr. 2-17’s faith journey began at a young age, but it wasn’t until later in life that he fully embraced it and received discipleship. A pivotal moment in his journey was when he heard God’s voice, which led to a significant shift in his perspective and career choices. This moment of divine guidance underscores the importance of being open to spiritual experiences and allowing them to shape our paths.

Actionable Advice:

  • Seek Discipleship: Surround yourself with mature individuals in the faith who can guide and mentor you.
  • Be Open to Divine Guidance: Stay attuned to spiritual experiences and be willing to make changes based on them.

Boldness in Community Outreach

Mr. 2-17’s passion for helping those who are lost and struggling is evident in his boldness in reaching out to his community. He emphasizes the importance of prioritizing the local community before extending efforts to other regions. This approach highlights the need to address the immediate struggles and challenges faced by people in one’s own neighborhood.

Actionable Advice:

  • Start Local: Focus on making a positive impact in your immediate community before expanding your reach.
  • Be Bold: Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone to help those in need.

Transitioning from Secular to Christian Music

Overcoming Challenges and Pushback

Transitioning from the secular music industry to producing Christian instrumental music was not without its challenges for Mr. 2-17. He faced pushback and threats from those who were initially skeptical of his decision. Despite these obstacles, he remained steadfast in his faith and commitment to his new path, even if it meant parting ways with some of his former colleagues and friends.

Actionable Advice:

  • Stay Committed: Remain steadfast in your faith and values, even when facing opposition.
  • Be Prepared for Sacrifices: Understand that pursuing a path aligned with your faith may require letting go of certain relationships and opportunities.

Emphasizing Quality and Authenticity

Mr. 2-17’s journey as a music producer and artist began at a young age, fueled by his involvement in the marching band and early experiences with production software. He emphasizes the importance of quality and authenticity in his music, expressing his commitment to creating content that aligns with his faith and values.

Actionable Advice:

  • Prioritize Quality: Ensure that your work reflects high standards of quality and craftsmanship.
  • Stay Authentic: Create content that is true to your values and beliefs.

The State of Christian Hip Hop and the Influence of Young Artists

Leveraging Social Media

The conversation also touched on the state of Christian hip hop, with Mr. 2-17 acknowledging the influence of young artists in the genre. He highlights the impact of social media in promoting Christian instrumental music and emphasizes the potential for producers to generate income through non-traditional avenues.

Actionable Advice:

  • Utilize Social Media: Leverage platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube to promote your music and reach a wider audience.
  • Explore Non-Traditional Revenue Streams: Consider alternative ways to monetize your music, such as licensing, streaming, and online merchandise sales.

The Importance of Truth and Avoiding Deception

Addressing Self-Deception and Seeking Help

In the real talk segment, our hosts focused on the theme of deception, particularly self-deception, and its impact on one’s spiritual journey. Focus and Dice emphasized the importance of being honest with oneself and others, especially in the context of faith and personal growth. They also discussed the dangers of false prophets and the need for genuine spiritual guidance.

Actionable Advice:

  • Be Honest: Strive for authenticity and transparency in your actions and beliefs.
  • Seek Help: Don’t hesitate to seek support for mental health issues and other struggles.

The Role of Community and Spiritual Growth

The episode concluded with a powerful message about the importance of being part of a community of believers and seeking spiritual growth. Our hosts encourage listeners to join a Bible-based church and engage in life classes and grief recovery.

Actionable Advice:

  • Join a Community: Become part of a supportive community of believers who can help you grow in your faith.
  • Engage in Continuous Learning: Participate in classes and programs that promote spiritual and personal development.


Mr. 2-17’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of faith and the importance of authenticity in one’s career and personal life. By embracing discipleship, staying committed to one’s values, and being bold in community outreach, we can make a positive impact on those around us. Additionally, by addressing self-deception and seeking genuine spiritual guidance, we can navigate the challenges of our faith journey with integrity and truth.

We hope these insights inspire you to reflect on your own journey and take steps towards a more authentic and impactful life. Remember, as our hosts emphasized, the goal should always be to advance the kingdom and make positive changes in our communities and beyond.

Holy Culture Radio is operated by The Corelink Solution, a non-profit organization that aims to create a safe space for healing, foster unity in our communities and empower the next generation of creatives and leaders through spreading the gospel.

If you’d like to support our work, please make a donation. No amount is too small. You can also shop our online store to help spread awareness of our mission. Again, thank you and remember to be encouraged and be blessed


Faith Journey (00:00:41) Mr. 2-17 shares his journey of faith, from childhood to adulthood, and his encounter with God in 2015.

Discipleship (00:02:32) The importance of discipleship in Mr. 2-17’s faith journey and the impact of his father’s guidance.

Boldness in Ministry (00:03:33) The motivation behind Mr. 2-17’s boldness to reach out to his community and his decision to disciple in his neighborhood.

Challenges and Changes (00:05:43) Mr. 2-17 discusses the challenges he faced when transitioning from the secular music industry to producing Christian instrumental music, and the impact on his relationships.

Starting in Production (00:09:28) Mr. 2-17 shares his inspiration for starting production at a young age and his influences in the music industry.

New Music Projects (00:10:56) Mr. 2-17 talks about his recent music projects, including a single and instrumental album, and the success he has achieved on social media.

Quality and Criticism (00:12:29) The discussion revolves around the quality of Mr. 2-17’s music and his self-criticism, as well as the feedback he has received.

State of Christian Hip Hop (00:14:02) The current state of Christian hip hop, with a focus on the influence of young artists and the presence of established figures in the genre.

Staying Strong and Focused (00:14:30) Mr. 2-17 discusses the challenges he faced and how he stayed focused on his ministry.

Finding Mentors and Trusting God (00:15:22) Mr. 2-17 emphasizes the importance of seeking guidance from mature individuals and trusting in God during tough times.

Dream Producers (00:17:04) Mr. 2-17 shares the names of three producers he would like to work with, including Tyler the Creator and Kanye West.

Support and Social Media Presence (00:17:38) Mr. 2-17 provides his social media handles and promotes his new single and instrumental album.

Deception and Self-Deceit (00:18:02) The hosts discuss the topic of deception, focusing on self-deception and its impact on faith and behavior.

The Fig Tree Story and Self-Deception (00:19:10) The hosts reflect on the biblical story of the fig tree and its relevance to self-deception and faith.

Vanity and Deception on Social Media (00:22:39) The hosts delve into the deceptive nature of social media and the facade people often present to the world.

Consequences of Deception (00:25:15) The hosts discuss the consequences of deception, emphasizing the need to rid oneself of deceit and hypocrisy.

False Prophets and Deception (00:27:36) The hosts address the issue of false prophets and the impact of false prophecies on individuals’ faith and trust in God.

Deception and Prayer (00:29:13) The discussion focuses on the importance of prayer, avoiding deceit, and seeking rescue from those who are deceitful and wicked.

Understanding God’s System (00:30:01) The topic revolves around the importance of truth and love in God’s system, being cautious when claiming to speak on God’s behalf, and examining one’s motives.

The Danger of Pride (00:31:45) The conversation delves into the danger of pride leading to self-deception and the need to come to terms with one’s reality.

The Consequences of Deception (00:33:30) The segment covers the consequences of deception, the increase in deception, and the impact on individuals and their relationship with God.

Examine Motives and Honesty (00:36:31) The discussion emphasizes the need to examine motives, be honest with oneself, and avoid self-deception, particularly in the context of finances and personal growth.

Mental Health and Deception (00:38:04) The conversation touches on the importance of seeking mental health support and being honest about one’s struggles, especially in toxic relationships and childhood experiences.

Salvation and Relationship with God (00:42:06) The segment focuses on the possibility of having a relationship with God, the simplicity of salvation through prayer, and the importance of joining a Bible-based community for spiritual growth.

Deception in the Church (00:44:19) Encouragement to attend church and beware of deception in the community.

Acknowledgment of Mr. 217 (00:44:39) Recognition of Mr. 217’s impactful work in the community and his potential for a Grammy.

Closing Remarks (00:44:44) Encouragement to stay focused, turn negatives into positives, and prioritize kingdom advancement.