How Can We Actively Feed Our Faith in a Challenging World?

In this episode, special guest Asha Christina Foster, along with our hosts, explore the intricacies of faith, spiritual warfare, and the dynamics within church culture. Known for her impactful YouTube channel and podcast, Asha is celebrated for her ability to inspire women to uphold a standard of excellence in their lives while sharing biblical truths unapologetically. And in their real talk segment, DJ Focus and Dice Gamble discuss alternative ways to feed your faith. Here’s a brief summary of the episode.

Ayesha’s Personal Faith Journey

Early Life and Initial Struggles

Asha shares her background as a pastor’s daughter, revealing the unique challenges she faced growing up in a pastoral household. Despite being a Christian her entire life, it wasn’t until a significant breakup in 2016 that she truly began to explore her faith on a personal level. This experience prompted her to surrender her heart to God and seek a deeper understanding of her relationship with Him, independent of her parents’ influence.

Discovering Personal Preferences in Worship

As Asha continued her faith journey, she discovered her preferences in worship, prayer, and the type of Christian music that resonated with her. This period of self-discovery was crucial in developing her personal relationship with God, separate from the expectations and traditions she grew up with.

Career and Ministry

After graduating from college in 2018, Asha initially planned to pursue a master’s degree in entertainment law. However, she felt a divine nudge to give her career one more chance, leading to the unexpected success of her YouTube channel. Despite her growing platform, Asha struggled with the fear of being labeled as “the weird Christian girl” and hesitated to fully embrace faith in her content. This internal conflict, coupled with spiritual warfare, created challenges that she navigated throughout her online presence.

Asha Christina Foster white shirt peace sign (faith)

Overcoming Spiritual Warfare

Backlash and Negativity

Asha candidly discusses the backlash and negativity she faced while building her platform. This led her to a period of fasting and prayer in 2022, during which she realized that her struggles were part of a larger spiritual battle. She began to understand the importance of prayer and seeking God’s guidance in her life and ministry.

Embracing Her Identity

Asha reflects on her attempts to remain neutral in her faith, believing that it would protect her from attacks. However, she learned that trying to be lukewarm did not shield her from spiritual warfare. Instead, she found that embracing her identity as a follower of Christ was essential to overcoming the challenges she faced.

Asha Christina Foster denim dress

Insights on Church Culture

Self-Examination and Accountability

Asha emphasizes the importance of self-examination within the church community, noting that the body of Christ is made up of individuals who must hold themselves accountable. She expresses concern about the inconsistency she has observed in people’s faith journeys, where some may be fervent in their beliefs one moment and falter in the next.

Authenticity and Integrity

Asha’s insights highlight the need for authenticity and integrity within the church. She believes that believers should strive to represent their faith genuinely, both in their personal lives and in their interactions with others. By fostering a culture of accountability and transparency, the church can better reflect the teachings of Christ and support one another in their spiritual journeys.

Practical Tips for Feeding Your Faith

Daily Engagement with Scripture

Dice stresses the importance of daily engagement with scripture. Relying solely on Sunday sermons for spiritual nourishment can lead to struggles throughout the week. She shares how her initial motivation to read the Bible stemmed from a competitive desire to achieve high streaks on a Bible app, but this practice evolved into a genuine commitment to her faith.

Prayer and Fasting

Our hosts highlight the significance of prayer and fasting in deepening one’s relationship with God. These practices have opened their eyes to deeper spiritual truths and helped eliminate distractions, such as gossip and judgment within the church community.

Serving Others

Faith requires more than just knowledge; it demands action. Our hosts challenge listeners to consider how they are serving others and putting their faith into practice. Volunteering or helping others can be a powerful way to feed one’s faith and grow spiritually.

Addressing Systemic Issues in Re-Entry Programs

Comprehensive Support Systems

Focus and Dice discuss the challenges faced by individuals who have been incarcerated and the systemic issues that contribute to their struggles upon re-entering society. They emphasize the need for comprehensive support systems to help these individuals transition back into everyday life.

Genuine Engagement

Our hosts stress the importance of genuine engagement in helping others. Many workers in the system seem to be merely going through the motions, which can lead to a feeling of hopelessness among those seeking help. Genuine care and support are crucial for effective re-entry programs.


This episode offers a powerful exploration of Asha Christina Foster’s faith journey, her commitment to ministry, and her insights on church culture. Through her experiences, Asha encourages listeners to cultivate a personal relationship with God, embrace their calling, and strive for authenticity in their faith. The conversation serves as a reminder of the importance of community, accountability, and the transformative power of faith in navigating life’s challenges.

Asha Christina Foster maroon hat (faith)

Key Takeaways and Why You Should Listen

  1. Personal Faith Journey: Asha’s story of moving from a pastor’s daughter to a woman with a deeply personal faith journey is inspiring and relatable for anyone seeking to deepen their relationship with God.
  2. Overcoming Spiritual Warfare: Her experiences with spiritual warfare and the importance of embracing one’s faith identity provide valuable lessons for anyone facing similar struggles.
  3. Church Culture Insights: Asha’s observations on authenticity, integrity, and accountability within the church offer practical advice for fostering a supportive and genuine faith community.
  4. Practical Faith Tips: The episode provides actionable steps for daily engagement with scripture, the importance of prayer and fasting, and the need to serve others, making it a practical guide for spiritual growth.
  5. Systemic Issues in Re-Entry Programs: The discussion on re-entry programs highlights the importance of comprehensive support and genuine engagement, offering insights for those involved in street ministry, social justice and rehabilitation work.

By following the practical tips and insights shared in this episode, listeners can take meaningful steps toward spiritual growth and empowerment. Whether it’s through daily engagement with scripture, prayer and fasting, or serving others, there are numerous ways to actively feed one’s faith and make a positive impact in the world.

Holy Culture Radio is operated by The Corelink Solution, a non-profit organization that aims to create a safe space for healing, foster unity in our communities and empower the next generation of creatives and leaders through spreading the gospel.

If you’d like to support our work, please make a donation. No amount is too small. You can also shop our online store to help spread awareness of our mission. Again, thank you and remember to be encouraged and be blessed.


Introduction to Asha Christina Foster (00:00:00)
The host introduces Asha, highlighting her passion for women’s empowerment and her accomplishments.

Asha’s Faith Journey (00:01:04)
Asha shares her background as a pastor’s daughter and her personal relationship with God.

Struggles and Spiritual Warfare (00:04:03)
Asha discusses the spiritual challenges she faced during her YouTube journey and the importance of prayer.

Realization of Ministry Calling (00:06:05)
Asha reflects on the spiritual revelations that led her to embrace her ministry work.

Confirmation of Purpose (00:11:09)
Asha describes how God confirmed her calling amidst trials and the importance of being seen in her ministry.

Need for Change in Church Culture (00:15:27)
Asha emphasizes the need for self-examination within the church community to address hypocrisy.

Personal Faith Journey (00:15:53)
Asha discusses the importance of a personal relationship with God and daily scripture reading.

Daily Spiritual Practices (00:16:44)
She shares how daily Bible reading has transformed her spiritual life and relationship with God.

Challenges of Church Culture (00:18:40)
Asha reflects on the challenges within church culture and the importance of maintaining faith despite them.

Understanding Ministry Roles (00:19:31)
She emphasizes the significance of understanding ministry roles rather than seeking titles for prestige.

Humility in Service (00:19:57)
Asha highlights the need for humility and servitude in faith, inspired by Jesus’ example.

Daily Repentance and Growth (00:21:09)
She stresses the importance of daily repentance and being open to God’s guidance for personal growth.

Feedback from Followers (00:22:47)
Asha shares positive feedback from followers regarding her vocal faith journey and its impact on others.

Deceptive Nature of New Age Practices (00:23:01)
She discusses her past involvement in new age practices and the realization of their deceptive nature.

Influence of Secular Hip Hop (00:26:21)
Asha critiques the negative influence of secular hip hop music on emotions and behaviors.

Cultural Impact of Music (00:28:34)
She reflects on how music shapes culture and the responsibility of artists in promoting positive messages.

Connecting with Asha (00:30:47)
Asha shares how listeners can connect with her through her podcast, YouTube, and social media.

Feeding Your Faith (00:31:23)
Discussion on the importance of actively nurturing one’s faith beyond traditional practices.

Action Behind Faith (00:32:46)
Emphasis on the necessity of taking action to support one’s spiritual journey.

Scripture Reference (00:33:39)
Host references Psalms 119:105, highlighting the importance of daily scripture reading.

Critique of Passive Christianity (00:34:22)
Dice critiques Christians who are knowledgeable but inactive in their faith.

Call to Action (00:35:21)
Discussion on the importance of serving others as a way to feed faith.

Personal Testimony on Faith (00:37:57)
Starting a radio show with limited resources.

Learning and Mentorship (00:40:15)
Encouragement to seek help and learn from others to grow in faith.

Vision and Faith (00:41:22)
The importance of visualizing goals and not limiting oneself by others’ experiences.

Fasting and Prayer (00:43:59)
Discussion on the challenges and spiritual benefits of fasting as a faith practice.

Feeding Your Faith (00:45:53)
Discusses practical ways to nourish faith, such as fasting and group support.

Creating Community Support (00:46:30)
Encourages forming groups for accountability and sharing faith journeys.

The Importance of Faith in Action (00:48:07)
Emphasizes the need to actively pursue faith and not wait idly for God’s plans.

Mindset and Faith (00:49:20)
Discusses the significance of having a mindset aligned with one’s faith aspirations.

The Power of Faith (00:50:37)
Highlights how faith can lead to miraculous outcomes and personal growth.

Embodying Christ’s Example (00:51:21)
Encourages listeners to follow Jesus as a model for building faith.

Overcoming Self-Doubt (00:52:21)
Shares personal experiences of overcoming insecurities to pursue opportunities.

Mental Challenges in Detention Centers (00:55:30)
Explores the complexities and mental challenges faced by individuals in detention centers.

The Pain of Separation (00:57:10)
Describes the emotional struggles of both detainees and their families during visitations.

The Role of Faith in Difficult Situations (00:58:55)
Discusses how faith can help navigate the hardships experienced in detention centers.

Discussion on Systemic Issues (00:59:40)
Exploration of how people get caught in the system and the need for reform.

Importance of Support Programs (01:00:17)
Emphasis on the necessity of programs to help individuals reintegrate into society post-incarceration.

Encouragement for Change (01:00:52)
A message of hope for those trying to turn their lives around after difficult experiences.

Praise for Ayesha’s Impact (01:01:27)
Acknowledgment of Asha Christina Foster’s powerful preaching and insights shared during the episode.

Reflection on Spiritual Warfare (01:02:18)
Discussion on the struggles of balancing faith and worldly acceptance amidst spiritual challenges.

Call to Action for Support (01:02:56)
Encouragement to follow Asha and support her podcast, promoting positive influence and community.