No Struggle, No Success: Why You Need to Trust the Process

Welcome to a special real talk episode of Da Fixx. Our hosts, DJ Focus and Dice Gamble have a profound conversation about the often-overlooked trials and tribulations that come with success. This discussion revolves around the concept of people wanting to sit at your table without enduring the trials that come with it. If you are looking to achieve success while staying true to your values this is the episode for you!

Understanding the Concept of “Thieves” and “Leeches”

The Nature of Thieves

Dice introduces the idea of “thieves” and “leeches”—individuals who want to benefit from your success without putting in the necessary effort. She likens them to leeches that attach themselves to you, draining your energy and resources. This analogy is particularly poignant in the context of church hurt, where individuals may feel betrayed by those who claim to be of God but act otherwise.

Key Takeaways:

  • Awareness and Discernment: It’s crucial to be aware of the devil’s schemes and to have discernment through the Holy Spirit to navigate relationships and business dealings.
  • Guarding Your Blessings: Protect what God has given you. Not everyone who wants to share in your success has your best interests at heart.

Biblical References

Dice emphasizes the importance of biblical teachings in understanding and dealing with these “thieves.” John 10:1 and Matthew 21:13 are cited to highlight the moral and spiritual implications of stealing and taking what is not rightfully yours.

Actionable Advice:

  • Stay Grounded in Scripture: Regularly read and meditate on biblical teachings to strengthen your moral compass.
  • Implement Boundaries: Set clear boundaries in your personal and professional life to protect your resources and energy.
reading bible (success)

The Importance of Self-Identity and Hard Work

Finding Your Purpose

Focus discusses the struggle with individuals who lack a sense of purpose and instead try to emulate others’ success. This often leads to frustration and failure because they are not following their true calling.

Key Takeaways:

  • Self-Discovery: Take the time to discover what God has called you to do. This involves introspection, prayer, and sometimes trial and error.
  • Avoiding Comparison: Focus on your journey and avoid comparing yourself to others. Each person’s path to success is unique.

The Reality of Hard Work

Our hosts highlight the often-unseen hard work behind successful ventures. They share stories of entrepreneurs who invested years and significant resources into their businesses before seeing any returns.

Actionable Advice:

  • Embrace the Grind: Understand that success often requires years of hard work, financial investment, and personal sacrifices.
  • Learn from Failures: View setbacks as learning opportunities rather than failures. Each challenge brings valuable lessons that contribute to your growth.

Celebrating Others and the Value of Patience

Celebrating Others’ Success

The conversation touches on the importance of celebrating others’ successes rather than feeling envious. This mindset fosters a supportive community and opens doors for collaboration.

Key Takeaways:

  • Positive Mindset: Cultivate a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity. Celebrate others’ achievements as a testament to what is possible.
  • Networking: Build genuine relationships with others in your field. Collaboration often leads to greater opportunities and success.

The Value of Patience

Patience is a recurring theme in the discussion. Focus and Dice emphasize that rushing into success without being prepared for the challenges can lead to failure.

Actionable Advice:

  • Trust the Process: Have faith in God’s timing and trust that the trials you face are preparing you for greater things.
  • Stay Ready: Continuously work on improving your skills and knowledge so that you are ready when opportunities arise.
give back pic

The Role of Giving and Collaboration

The Significance of Giving

Dice underscores the importance of giving, whether it’s time, talent, or money. This act of generosity is often tied to receiving blessings in return.

Key Takeaways:

  • Generosity: Make giving a regular part of your life. This not only helps others but also brings fulfillment and blessings to you.
  • Community Building: Use your resources to support and uplift others in your community.

Collaboration Over Competition

Focus and Dice stress the importance of collaboration rather than taking advantage of others’ platforms. Working together can lead to mutual success and growth.

Actionable Advice:

  • Seek Partnerships: Look for opportunities to collaborate with others in your field. This can lead to innovative ideas and shared success.
  • Respect Boundaries: Always respect others’ work and contributions. Avoid taking credit for what is not yours.


The conversation in this episode has a wealth of insights into the trials and tribulations behind success. By understanding the nature of “thieves,” embracing hard work, celebrating others, practicing patience, and valuing giving and collaboration, you can navigate your journey to success with integrity and faith. Remember, what God has for you is for you, and the trials you face are preparing you for the blessings to come.

Final Thoughts:

  • Stay True to Your Path: Focus on your unique journey and trust in God’s plan for you.
  • Embrace the Trials: View challenges as opportunities for growth and preparation for greater things.
  • Build a Supportive Community: Celebrate others’ successes and seek collaborative opportunities for mutual growth.

By applying these principles, you can achieve success while staying true to your values and purpose.

Holy Culture Radio is operated by The Corelink Solution, a non-profit organization that aims to create a safe space for healing, foster unity in our communities and empower the next generation of creatives and leaders through spreading the gospel.

If you’d like to support our work, please make a donation. No amount is too small. You can also shop our online store to help spread awareness of our mission. Again, thank you and remember to be encouraged and be blessed.


The Table but Not the Trials (00:00:22) Discussion about people who want to benefit from blessings without enduring the struggles.

The Importance of Self-Identity (00:09:42) Exploring the tendency of individuals to covet what others have and not being content with their own blessings.

Celebrating Others (00:12:57) Emphasizing the significance of celebrating and supporting others rather than coveting their success.

The Value of Patience (00:15:30) Highlighting the importance of patience and waiting for opportunities, leading to a deeper appreciation of achievements.

The taker children (00:17:11) Discussion about teaching children the value of work and not being consumers.

Stop trying to eat at someone else’s table (00:18:03) The concept of not trying to take what’s not yours and the importance of self-identity.

Be led by the Lord (00:19:13) Reference to biblical story of the prodigal son and the importance of being led by God.

Patience and consistency in waiting for blessings (00:20:22) The idea of being patient and consistent in waiting for blessings from God.

Collaboration and not taking advantage (00:21:00) Discussion about collaborating, working together, and not taking advantage of others.

The value of giving and going through tests (00:23:23) Importance of giving, going through tests, and being willing to walk in someone else’s shoes.

Being content with what God has for you (00:24:18) The idea of being content with what God has for you and not trying to be a copy of someone else.