The 116 Life Episode 77: Giving God the Glory with Stevie Rizo

We’ve got an exciting new episode of Reach Records, The 116 Life with Stevie Rizo, a trailblazing Christian R&B artist. From Rizo’s upbringing to his journey in the music industry, to the profound influence of his faith in God on his career, this episode is full of inspiration and a must watch for aspiring artists and fans alike.

Early Beginnings: The Foundation of Faith and Music

The Role of Family and Church

Stevie Rizo’s journey began in Germantown, Philadelphia, where his grandparents ran a church. From a young age, Rizo was immersed in a spiritual environment that would shape his future. He recalls being prophesied to be an artist and spread the gospel, a prophecy that his family took seriously.

  • Early Exposure to Purpose: Rizo was made to sing in church every Sunday from the age of five. Although this initially caused him fear and shyness, it laid the foundation for his musical career.
  • Family Support: The unwavering support from his family was crucial. They recognized his potential early on and guided him towards his purpose, a factor Rizo is immensely grateful for.

Actionable Advice:

  • Embrace Early Opportunities: If you have a talent or calling, embrace opportunities to develop it, even if it feels daunting at first.
  • Seek Support: Surround yourself with people who believe in your potential and can provide guidance and encouragement.
Stevie Rizo, 116 Life Ep 77 (God)

Navigating Adolescence: Challenges and Rebellion

Questioning Faith and Material Prosperity

As Rizo entered adolescence, he began to question the teachings of the church, particularly the correlation between faith and material prosperity. This period of rebellion led him to pursue a career in mainstream music, seeking fulfillment outside the church.

  • Feeling of Void: Despite his success in mainstream music, Rizo felt an emptiness that led him back to his faith.
  • Commitment to God: A pivotal moment in his life was when he quit his job to work solely for God, marking a significant shift in his career.

Actionable Advice:

  • Stay True to Your Values: It’s natural to question and explore, but staying true to your core values can provide a sense of fulfillment and direction.
  • Take Bold Steps: Sometimes, significant changes are necessary to align your career with your purpose. Don’t be afraid to take bold steps if it means staying true to your calling.
116 Life Ep 77 Ace and Meah

The Creation Process: Crafting Meaningful Music

Inspiration from the Bible

Rizo’s music is deeply inspired by his faith. He shared how he sought guidance from God to understand what his audience needed to hear, leading him to explore love stories in the Bible, particularly the story of Queen Esther.

  • Story of Queen Esther: The beauty and depth of Esther’s story influenced Rizo’s music, allowing him to create content that resonates on a spiritual level.
  • Being a Vessel: Rizo emphasizes the importance of being a vessel for meaningful messages, rather than just a creator of music.

Actionable Advice:

  • Seek Divine Inspiration: For faith-based artists, seeking inspiration from spiritual texts can provide profound content that resonates with your audience.
  • Be a Vessel: Focus on being a conduit for meaningful messages rather than just creating for the sake of it.

Consistency and Discipline: Keys to Success

Importance of Showing Up

Ace, Meah and Rizo discussed the significance of consistency and faithfulness in the music industry and in serving the kingdom of God. Rizo highlighted the need to show up and be consistent, drawing parallels between professional obligations and the call to serve God.

  • Consistency: Regularly producing and sharing content helps in building a loyal audience.
  • Faithfulness: Staying committed to your purpose and values is crucial for long-term success.

Actionable Advice:

  • Be Consistent: Regularly engage with your audience and produce content. Consistency builds trust and loyalty.
  • Stay Faithful: Align your actions with your values and purpose, ensuring that your work remains authentic and meaningful.
116 Life Ep. 77 Ace Meah and Stevie

Current Projects and Future Plans

Working on New Music

Rizo shared his excitement about working on a new album and encouraged listeners to follow his journey. He expressed his desire to be the best version of himself and to inspire others to do the same.

  • New Album: Rizo is currently working on new music that promises to be both inspiring and uplifting.
  • Inspiration: He aims to inspire others through his journey and music, encouraging them to strive for their best selves.

Actionable Advice:

  • Stay Updated: Follow your favorite artists to stay updated on their latest projects and releases.
  • Seek Inspiration: Look for inspiration in the journeys of others, using their experiences to motivate and guide your own path.

Conclusion: Embracing the Journey

Stevie Rizo’s journey as a Christian R&B artist is a testament to the power of faith, family support, and unwavering commitment to one’s purpose. His testimony offers valuable lessons for aspiring artists and anyone seeking to align their career with their values.

Key Takeaways:

  • Stay True to Your Values: Even in times of doubt, staying true to your core values can provide direction and fulfillment.
  • Be Consistent and Faithful: Regularly engage with your audience and stay committed to your purpose.
  • Seek Divine Inspiration: For faith-based artists, drawing inspiration from spiritual texts can lead to profound and meaningful content.

By following these insights, you can navigate your own journey with purpose and dedication, just as Stevie Rizo has done.

Holy Culture Radio is operated by The Corelink Solution, a non-profit organization that aims to create a safe space for healing, foster unity in our communities and empower the next generation of creatives and leaders through spreading the gospel.

If you’d like to support our work, please make a donation. No amount is too small. You can also shop our online store to help spread awareness of our mission. Again, thank you and remember to be encouraged and be blessed.


The pioneer of Christian R&B (00:00:00) Stevie Rizo discusses being a pioneer in the Christian R&B genre and his decision to pursue this unique musical path.

Life in Atlanta (00:01:10) Stevie Rizo shares his experience of moving to Atlanta to pursue his music career and the impact of the city on his journey.

The birth of Christian R&B (00:02:06) Stevie Rizo talks about the inception of the Christian R&B genre and his vision for it, including the challenges and blessings he encountered.

The influence of boldness (00:07:20) The importance of boldness in carrying the Christian title and the influence of boldness on the Christian R&B genre are discussed.

The benefits of discipline (00:08:54) Stevie Rizo emphasizes the benefits of discipline in his professional and spiritual life, highlighting its impact on his music career.

Childhood experiences (00:13:33) Stevie Rizo shares his childhood experiences, including being pushed to sing in church from a young age and the impact it had on his development as an artist.

Growing Up in the Church (00:16:49) Discussion about Rizo’s childhood experiences in the church and his relationship with the Lord.

Adolescent Rebellion (00:18:03) Rizo talks about his rebellious phase during his teenage years and the influence of his environment.

Questioning Faith (00:19:10) Rizo discusses how he began to question his faith and the association of God’s grace with material prosperity.

Transition to Gospel Music (00:21:18) Rizo shares his journey from mainstream music to gospel music and the realization of a void in his life.

Industry Challenges (00:24:11) Rizo talks about the challenges he faced in the music industry and the influence of the Holy Spirit in redirecting his path.

Transition to Christian R&B (00:26:28) Rizo discusses his decision to transition to Christian R&B and the support he received from the Christian music fan base.

Commitment to Music (00:28:43) Rizo highlights his dedication to music and his decision to pursue Christian music as his primary career path.

Financial Principles (00:30:31) Rizo shares his experience of applying financial principles from the kingdom and the impact on his career.

Discipline and Consistency (00:31:25) Rizo discusses the importance of discipline and consistency in his career, especially after quitting his job.

Creation of “Esther” Song (00:32:39) Rizo talks about the inspiration and creation process behind the song “Esther” and its impact on the audience.

The journey of Esther (00:32:53) Stevie Rizo discusses his inspiration from the story of Esther and its influence on his music.

Introduction to Stevie Rizo’s music (00:33:54) Ace Harris mentions discovering Stevie Rizo’s music and references a specific song, “One Day.”

Music industry anecdotes (00:34:19) Ace Harris shares a humorous story about how he encountered Stevie Rizo’s music on a daily basis.

Collaborative music project (00:36:15) Ace Harris and Stevie Rizo discuss their collaboration on a song called “All Yours.”

Professional and spiritual benefits (00:38:41) Stevie Rizo reflects on the benefits of consistency and faithfulness in serving the kingdom.

Navigating emotions in Christian R&B (00:41:12) Ace Harris and Stevie Rizo discuss the role of emotions and filtering feelings through faith in Christian R&B music.

Stevie Rizo’s upcoming album (00:41:28) Stevie Rizo shares details about his upcoming album and encourages people to follow his journey.

Connecting with Stevie Rizo (00:41:56) Stevie Rizo provides information on where to find him on social media and his website.

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