Is There Room for “Grown-Up” Christian Hip Hop in the Music Industry?

On a recent episode of the Be Positive Music Show, DJ B Plus sat down with the talented CHH artist JusRzd, known for hits like “Far From Home,” “Rise and Shine,” and “Too Soon,” to delve into a topic close to both our hearts: the space for “grown-up” Christian hip hop.

The Call for Maturity in Christian Hip Hop

The music industry is a vast ocean of genres and subgenres, each with its own unique audience. Christian hip hop, a genre that has been on the rise, faces a particular challenge: creating music that resonates with an audience that’s maturing. As B Plus and JusRzd discussed on the show, there’s a pressing need for music that addresses more mature themes and content. This isn’t just about aging fans but about providing a soundtrack for the myriad of experiences that come with growing in faith and life.

JusRzd brought an invaluable perspective to the table, emphasizing the diversity of approaches in creating Christian hip hop. Whether it’s a ministerial focus or an artistic one, he believes there’s room for all expressions, as long as they’re true to the artist’s calling and gifting. Quality, he insists, is non-negotiable, and honesty in one’s musical direction is paramount.

The Four “E’s” of Christian Hip Hop

In their conversation, DJ B Plus highlighted what he likes to call the four “E’s” of Christian hip hop: evangelize, edify, educate, and entertain. It’s a misconception that music in this genre should solely focus on evangelism or edification. Entertainment and education are equally important, and there’s a need for music that fulfills all these purposes. This opens the door for a variety of styles and approaches within the genre, breaking the mold of what Christian hip hop “should” sound like.

Beyond the Mic: Recognizing Diverse Callings

They also touched on the idea that not everyone is called to be a rapper or singer. The music industry is a body with many parts, including production, management, and other crucial roles. JusRzd stressed the importance of recognizing one’s calling and gifting, whatever that may be, and pursuing it with excellence.

Embracing Growth and Authenticity

As artists like Sho Baraka, Swoope, Taylor Gray, and Propaganda have shown, it’s possible to rap about real-life experiences such as marriage and fatherhood, reflecting growth and maturity in music. JusRzd and B Plus discussed the importance of pivoting and evolving as artists, drawing parallels to other creative fields like comedy and entrepreneurship. Seeking God’s direction in these pivots is essential, as is avoiding the pitfalls of changing course without purpose or divine guidance.

Challenging Misconceptions and Rigid Expectations

They also tackled the misconceptions that arise when artists announce a pivot in their music. Fans may assume that a shift in artistic expression equates to leaving the faith or compromising beliefs, but this isn’t necessarily the case. It’s crucial to challenge the rigid expectations placed on Christian artists and advocate for a more nuanced approach that allows for authentic expression of faith and life experiences.

The Intersection of Faith and Artistry

The complexities of faith and artistry were also a part of the discussion, as they considered the experiences of artists who have left the Christian music industry. JusRzd and B Plus agree on the importance of maintaining a genuine relationship with Jesus in our music and communicating our faith in a way that reflects our personal connection with God.

Conclusion: A Symphony of Change

The essence of their conversation is clear: Christian hip hop must embrace growth, diversity, and authenticity. Artists must be allowed to pivot and evolve while staying true to the faith and their artistic vision. It’s not just about making music; it’s about crafting a message that resonates with the lives of those who listen.

As they wrapped up the episode, B Plus was left with a sense of hope and excitement for the future of Christian hip hop. The genre is alive and well, and as it matures, so too will its message and its impact. Join us on this journey as we continue to explore the rhythm of faith and the evolution of a genre that has so much to offer to the world.

Holy Culture Radio is operated by The Corelink Solution, a non-profit organization that aims to create a safe space for healing, foster unity in our communities and empower the next generation of creatives and leaders through spreading the gospel.

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Be Positive JusRzd alt pic 1 hip hop
Be Positive Jus Rzd alt pic 2 hip hop


Halftime with Plus (00:00:00) B Plus provides a brief introduction and sets the stage for the special guest.

JusRzd’s Tweet (00:01:47) JusRzd’s tweet sparks a discussion about the space for “grown” Christian hip hop and the limitations faced by artists.

Artistic vs Ministerial Focus (00:07:06) JusRzd discusses the need for a middle ground in Christian hip hop, emphasizing the importance of both artistic and ministerial approaches.

Taking a Break (00:14:09) B Plus announces a break and plays JusRzd’s song “Cycles,” winner of the “Wait or Wait” contest.

Discussion Resumes (00:14:26) The conversation about making space for “grown-up” Christian hip hop continues, with B Plus referencing his previous segment on adult contemporary Christian hip hop and the need for maturity in the genre.

Pivoting in Christian Hip Hop (00:15:08) Discussion on the need for pivoting in the careers of Christian hip hop artists and the impact on their audience.

Examples of Pivoting (00:15:55) Examples of artists who successfully pivoted in their careers and the importance of seeking God’s direction in the pivot.

Misconceptions about Pivoting (00:19:09) Addressing misconceptions about artists pivoting and assumptions about their faith and music content.

Pivoting and Faith (00:20:52) Exploring the relationship between pivoting in music and an artist’s faith, and the impact on their audience and career.

Unhealthy Criteria in the Industry (00:26:18) Challenging the unhealthy criteria and standards in the Christian music industry and discussing the authenticity of an artist’s faith in their music.