The 116 Life Ep. 69: Having Open Hands to God’s Heart with Debaron

Welcome to another inspiring episode of Reach Records, The 116 Life. Hosts, Ace Harris and Meah Evens recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Debaron Hughes a DJ, entrepreneur, and man of faith to discuss his Christian Hip Hop journey and accepting God’s grace.

Embracing the Season of Life with Debaron Hughes

Debaron Hughes shares his current season of life, which he described as “super busy but super fun.” He has been doing alot of traveling with his family. From the historical streets of Germany and France to the bustling city of London and several states across the US, the DJ has been soaking up diverse cultures. Debaron’s most memorable trip was to Homer, Louisiana, where he enjoyed a serene lake house vacation, fishing and enjoying the outdoors with his kids.

Finding Balance in Busyness

A key takeaway from the conversation was Debaron’s approach to balancing his hectic schedule with rest and family time. He emphasized the importance of rest as “non-negotiable,” sharing how he and his wife prioritize taking a Sabbath day for recharging. For Debaron, it’s about trusting in God’s provision and valuing the gift of rest.

Trusting in God’s Provision as an Entrepreneur

As an entrepreneur, Debaron navigates the delicate balance between work, family, and faith. He believes in the Lord’s grace and provision, learning to trust in divine guidance and make decisions that align with His will. This often means turning down certain opportunities to maintain that balance.

The 116 Life Ep 60 Debaron alt pic with Ace and Meah

The Unforeseen Path of a DJ and Entrepreneur

Debaron never envisioned the life he has today. His journey as a DJ began a decade ago without a clear direction, but his faith led him to trust in the Lord’s guidance. He learned the art of DJing through prayer, trial and error, YouTube tutorials, and inspiration from his creative family members.

The Roots of an Unwavering Faith

When asked about the source of his strong faith, Debaron credited his upbringing and the example set by his family. Growing up in a small town in South Carolina as the youngest of four children, he was surrounded by creativity, faith, and adventure, which had an enormous impact on his life.

The 116 Life Ep 69 alt pic Ace and Meah (God)

The Impact of Christian Hip Hop and Entrepreneurial Ventures

Their conversation also explored Debaron’s move to Atlanta to pursue a career in Christian hip hop, his personal relationship with faith, and its influence on his life and career. The significance of Christian hip hop for the younger generation and its potential to inspire and uplift was also discussed.

Grace and Peace: More Than Just a Clothing Brand

Debaron’s clothing brand, “Grace and Peace,” is a testament to his faith and entrepreneurial spirit. He shared the inspiration behind the brand and the challenges he faces in marketing and promoting his products. The universal message of grace and peace is central to the brand’s identity, transcending religious affiliations and resonating with a broader audience.

The 116 Life Ep 69 alt pic Debaron Hughes (God)

Brewing Community Through Tea and Intentional Conversations

Beyond clothing, Debaron’s passion for tea has been a part of his life since childhood. He sees tea as a medium for intentional conversations and community building, mirroring the slow and deliberate interactions that foster deep relationships within the body of Christ.

A Vision for Unity and Purpose

Debaron aspires to be a “master mixologist” in various mediums, including music, clothing, and tea, with the ultimate goal of uniting people for a greater purpose. He emphasizes the importance of loving and knowing one another, drawing on the methodology of Jesus to build meaningful connections.

Join the Movement of Grace and Peace

As the conversation wrapped up, Debaron invited listeners to connect with him on social media and participate in his tea parties. It’s an opportunity to build friendships and community, embodying the grace and peace he advocates through his ventures.

The 116 Life Ep 69 alt pic Ace and Meah 2 (God)

Conclusion: Embracing the Message of Grace and Peace

The conversation with Debaron Hughes is a profound reminder of the power of faith, the importance of balance, and the impact of intentional community building. His story is a roadmap for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of life while holding onto their beliefs and values. Embrace the message of grace and peace in your daily life, just as Debaron does through his multifaceted career and personal endeavors.

Holy Culture Radio is operated by The Corelink Solution, a non-profit organization that aims to create a safe space for healing, foster unity in our communities and empower the next generation of creatives and leaders through spreading the gospel.

If you’d like to support our work, please make a donation. No amount is too small. You can also shop our online store to help spread awareness of our mission. Again, thank you and remember to be encouraged and be blessed.


The introduction (00:00:00) Introducing the show and the hosts, Meah Evans and Ace Harris, welcoming the audience to a new episode.

Introducing The Baron Hughes (00:00:45) Meah Evans introduces Debaron Hughes AKA DJ412 as a special guest and engages in small talk.

The busy season of life (00:01:00) Debaron Hughes discusses his busy but enjoyable season of life, including family, travel, and personal experiences.

The value of rest (00:03:33) Debaron Hughes explains the importance of rest, trusting in the Lord, and prioritizing Sabbath days.

Balancing faith and entrepreneurship (00:05:34) Debaron Hughes discusses the challenges of balancing faith, family, and business decisions, emphasizing the importance of trust in God.

The journey of becoming a DJ (00:08:03) Debaron Hughes shares his journey of becoming a DJ, his initial doubts, and the unwavering faith that led him to pursue his passion.

Childhood and family dynamics (00:14:24) Debaron Hughes reflects on his childhood, family dynamics, and the influence of his siblings on his creative pursuits.

Growing up in a small town (00:16:06) Debaron shares his experience of growing up in a small town with a close-knit church and school community.

Moving to Atlanta (00:17:48) Debaron explains why he chose to move to Atlanta and how it became the best place for his career in Christian hip-hop.

Life as a preacher’s kid (00:19:06) Debaron discusses his experience as a preacher’s kid and the influence of his family and church community.

Developing a personal relationship with God (00:21:27) Debaron shares his journey of developing a personal relationship with God and how it impacted his life.

Christian hip-hop and the Bible (00:23:33) Debaron reflects on the role of the Bible in Christian hip-hop and the challenges of expressing faith in the music scene.

Pressure vs. Weight (00:26:58) Debaron discusses the difference between pressure and weight in his personal growth and faith journey.

Starting a clothing brand (00:29:32) Debaron talks about the inspiration behind his clothing brand, Grace and Peace, and his transition into the role of a clothing brand owner.

The message of Grace and Peace (00:32:26) Baron explains how the message of Grace and Peace is universal and not limited to specific religious beliefs.

The message behind the clothing brand (00:32:41) Discussion on the message behind the clothing brand and the power of the spirit.

Respect for boldness (00:33:31) The hosts and the guest talk about the respect for boldness and standing firm in beliefs.

Different methods of expression (00:35:02) Discussio on the different methods of expressing faith, using the analogy of different restaurants.

Interest in tea and its significance (00:35:21) Debaron shares his interest in tea, the significance of tea in their life, and how it led to the creation of their own tea.

Stewardship and faithfulness (00:37:24) Debaron talks about stewardship and faithfulness in relation to the things given by the Lord.

Creating a community through tea parties (00:38:39) Debaron shares their vision of creating community through tea parties and bringing people together for the kingdom of God.

Intentional conversation over basic interviews (00:40:11) Debaron explains the importance of intentional conversation over standard interviews and how it relates to getting to know others.

Building deep relationships (00:42:17) Discussion on the importance of building deep relationships within the body of Christ and the methodology of Jesus in doing so.

Conclusion and contact information (00:44:38) The hosts thank Debaron and provide contact information for the audience to follow the speaker and his brand.

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