[Watch.] Kenny Knoxville – Phenomenon

‘@kennyknoxville is back with another blazing single entitled “Phenomenon.” By definition, a phenomenon is a fact or a situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question. More than 2000 years there were eye witness accounts of Christ appearing after his death and burial, and even more, people witnessed his extraordinary life before his crucifixion, yet, both facts continue to be denied by skeptics around the globe.

No matter what the skeptics say, one thing remains true: The Gospel of the only begotten Son of God is real and the truth should never be silenced!!

“It is so easy to get caught up in the bouncy beat to this song, but I dare you to play it a second time and I promise you’ll find the lyrics start bouncing directly from the speakers back to your heart. Kenny’s got a big Summer banger for 2020, a time when we all need to bounce in our homes, cars, and offices while being inspired and uplifted at the same time.” ~ Von Gee Roy, CEO of K107FM Toronto

“This song is fire brother! Really great, scriptural message, nice beat, and flow” – Kellie Leigh, CEO of Music Lov3rz Magazine.

#CHH #ChristianHipHop #ChristianRap #GospelRap #Holyculture #Holyhiphop