Don’t Hate; Collaborate! Pushing the Culture Forward with Just Cordell and Tvinci

Welcome to another inspiring episode of Da Fixx. Special guests Tvinci and Just Cordell give us an exclusive look at the inspiration behind their collaborative project that is helping to push the culture forward. From the creative process to the profound impact their partnership has had on their personal and artistic lives, they explore the power of brotherhood and collaboration. And our hosts get real about the challenges today’s youth face. Here’s a quick sneak peek at what was discussed.

The Genesis of a Powerful Collaboration

Brotherhood and Shared Passion

Tvinci and Just Cordell’s collaboration is rooted in a deep brotherhood and a shared passion for music. Their partnership was not a calculated business move but an organic and natural coming together of two like-minded individuals. This foundation of genuine connection and mutual respect has been instrumental in their success.

Actionable Advice:

  • Seek Genuine Connections: When looking for collaborators, prioritize those with whom you share a genuine connection and mutual respect. This foundation will make the creative process more enjoyable and productive.
  • Embrace Organic Growth: Allow collaborations to develop naturally rather than forcing them. Authentic partnerships often yield the most impactful results.

Extending Beyond Music

Their collaboration extends beyond music, with their families becoming connected and their bond growing stronger. This holistic approach to collaboration has enriched their personal lives and strengthened their artistic output.

Actionable Advice:

  • Foster Personal Connections: Building personal relationships with your collaborators can enhance your creative synergy and lead to more meaningful work.
  • Support Each Other’s Growth: Challenge and inspire each other to grow, both personally and artistically. A supportive partnership can lead to significant personal and professional development.
Tvinci and Just Cordell in studio on couch (Culture)

The Creative Process and Meaning Behind the Music

“Too Good” – An Energetic Anthem

Tvinci describes their song “Too Good” as an energetic anthem that serves as a daily reminder of God’s goodness. The song’s foundation is faith, and it aims to speak life into people’s circumstances.

Actionable Advice:

  • Infuse Your Work with Purpose: Create art that has a meaningful message or purpose. This can resonate deeply with your audience and provide them with inspiration and encouragement.
  • Draw from Personal Beliefs: Don’t be afraid to incorporate your personal beliefs and values into your work. Authenticity can create a powerful connection with your audience.

“Faith in Jesus” – Unashamed Declaration

“Faith in Jesus” is a song that unashamedly declares their faith in Jesus. Tvinci emphasizes the significance of placing faith in Jesus as the ultimate source of strength and guidance.

Actionable Advice:

  • Be Bold in Your Message: If you have a message or belief that is important to you, don’t be afraid to express it boldly in your work. Authenticity and conviction can make your art more impactful.
  • Provide Guidance and Strength: Use your platform to offer guidance and strength to your audience. Your work can be a source of support and encouragement for others.

“Can’t Go Back” – A Reminder of Progress

Just Cordell explains that “Can’t Go Back” serves as a reminder of how far they have come and the faithfulness of God in their journey. The song emphasizes the message of not looking back and moving forward with confidence.

Actionable Advice:

  • Reflect on Your Journey: Use your art to reflect on your personal journey and the progress you have made. This can provide a sense of accomplishment and motivation for both you and your audience.
  • Encourage Forward Movement: Inspire your audience to move forward with confidence and not dwell on the past. Your work can be a source of encouragement and motivation for others.

The Role of Faith and Community

Trusting in God’s Faithfulness

Tvinci shares that the very first lyric of their project is “my life has been changed,” emphasizing the theme of moving forward and not reverting to the past. He reflects on the decision to leave his job and the faith it took to make that leap, highlighting the importance of trusting in God’s faithfulness.

Actionable Advice:

  • Take Leaps of Faith: Sometimes, significant progress requires taking bold steps and trusting in a higher power or your own intuition. Don’t be afraid to make changes that align with your values and goals.
  • Embrace Change: Change can be challenging, but it is often necessary for growth. Embrace the changes in your life and use them as opportunities for personal and professional development.

Overcoming Doubt

Just Cordell talks about his struggles with doubt and the importance of being connected to the right people and soil to grow in faith. He emphasizes the growth of his faith and the realization that doubt diminishes when connected to the right influences.

Actionable Advice:

  • Surround Yourself with Positive Influences: The people you surround yourself with can significantly impact your mindset and growth. Choose to be around those who uplift and inspire you.
  • Nurture Your Faith: Whether it’s faith in a higher power, yourself, or your goals, nurturing your faith can help you overcome doubt and achieve your aspirations.
Tvinci and Just Cordell in studio 2 in black hoodies (Culture)

The Importance of Collaboration Over Competition

Elevating Each Other’s Artistry to Push the Culture Forward

Tvinci and Just Cordell emphasize the importance of collaboration over competition in the music industry. They highlight the power of working together to elevate each other’s artistry and the positive impact it can have on their work.

Actionable Advice:

  • Collaborate, Don’t Compete: In creative industries, collaboration can often lead to more significant achievements than competition. Work together with others to elevate each other’s work and create something greater than you could alone.
  • Support Your Peers: Be a source of support and encouragement for your peers. Their success does not diminish your own; instead, it can create a more vibrant and thriving community.

Addressing Societal Issues

The Decline of Morality and Respect Among Youth

DJ Focus and Dice Gamble discuss the decline of morality and respect among today’s youth, expressing concern about the lack of discipline and accountability. They emphasize the importance of instilling values and discipline in children from a young age.

Actionable Advice:

  • Be a Positive Role Model: Whether you’re a parent, mentor, or community leader, strive to be a positive role model for young people. Your actions and values can significantly influence their development.
  • Teach Respect and Accountability: Instill the values of respect and accountability in young people. Help them understand the consequences of their actions and the importance of treating others with kindness and respect.

The Impact of Words and Actions

Our hosts highlight the impact of words and actions on people’s lives, particularly in the context of social media and online interactions. They stress the importance of being mindful of what one says and how it can affect others.

Actionable Advice:

  • Be Mindful of Your Words: Your words have power. Be mindful of what you say, especially in online interactions, and strive to use your words to uplift and support others.
  • Promote Positive Interactions: Encourage positive and respectful interactions, both online and offline. Your behavior can set an example for others and contribute to a more positive community.


The conversation with Tvinci and Just Cordell offers valuable insights into the power of collaboration, the importance of faith, and the impact of positive influences on personal and artistic growth. By embracing genuine connections, infusing your work with purpose, and fostering a supportive community, you can create meaningful and impactful art. Additionally, being a positive role model and promoting respect and accountability can help shape a better future for the next generation.

Holy Culture Radio is operated by The Corelink Solution, a non-profit organization that aims to create a safe space for healing, foster unity in our communities and empower the next generation of creatives and leaders through spreading the gospel.

If you’d like to support our work, please make a donation. No amount is too small. You can also shop our online store to help spread awareness of our mission. Again, thank you and remember to be encouraged and be blessed.


Introduction (00:00:00) Introduction and anticipation for the collaboration project.

Collaboration (00:01:12) The unexpected and organic development of the collaboration between Tvinci and Just Cordell.

Accountability (00:02:40) The impact of their collaboration on their personal lives and the importance of holding each other accountable.

Supporting Each Other (00:04:09) The impact of the collaboration on reigniting the passion for writing and the mutual support between Tvinci and Just Cordell.

A Passion for Helping Others (00:05:47) Just Cordell’s multifaceted talents and his passion for helping and building others.

The Inspiration Behind Too Good (00:07:11) The inspiration and creative process behind the song “Too Good” and its significance in their lives.

The Inspiration Behind Faith in Jesus (00:09:39) The inspiration behind the song “Faith in Jesus” and the importance of expressing faith in their music.

The Inspiration Behind Can’t Go Back (00:12:32) The inspiration behind the song “Can’t Go Back” and its message of moving forward and not reverting to the past.

My Life Has Been Changed (00:13:38) Tvinci talks about the declaration in their first song and the decision not to revert back to their old ways.

Doubts and Growth (00:14:40) Just Cordell discusses the doubts about his calling and how he has grown to trust God’s plan.

Stepping Out on Faith (00:16:12) Tvinici shares his experience of stepping out on faith and how God has shown his faithfulness.

Influence of Pastor Mike Jr (00:18:28) The musicians discuss the influence of Pastor Mike Jr and his attention to detail and commitment to honoring people.

The Message (00:22:15) The musicians express their desire for the project to strengthen faith and encourage people to carry out their mission without a doubt.

Changing Church Culture (00:23:57) Just Cordell wishes for a perspective shift in the church to focus on the truth and community, while Tvinci emphasizes the power of collaboration over competition in the industry.

Morality and Youth (00:27:26) Discussion on the declining morality and disrespectful behavior of today’s youth.

Parenting and Accountability (00:28:19) Exploring the role of parents in instilling values and accountability in raising productive citizens.

Teaching Respect and Discipline (00:29:08) The importance of teaching respect, discipline, and life skills to children from a young age.

Encounter at the Mall (00:32:20) An incident at the mall involving a confrontation with young individuals and the importance of respect and accountability.

Youth and Respect (00:36:28) Reflections on the lack of respect and accountability in today’s youth and the impact on future leaders.

Impact of Respect in Professions (00:39:22) The significance of respect and accountability in professional settings and the consequences of disrespectful behavior.

The impact of words (00:40:50) Discussion on the consequences of public statements, particularly in the context of social media, and the impact of words on individuals and communities.

The need for positive influence (00:42:17) Highlighting the importance of positive role models and the potential for individuals to inspire change through their actions and words.

Respect and anger in youth (00:43:25) Exploring the reasons behind the anger and lack of respect among young adults, including their upbringing, influences, and societal pressures.

The influence of social media (00:46:08) Addressing the negative impact of social media on youth, including the pursuit of superficial validation and the lack of focus on personal development and hard work.

Parenting and positive examples (00:49:05) Emphasizing the crucial role of parents in setting positive examples and guiding children towards responsible behavior and personal growth.